


3 years, 2 months ago


Ulimi is a GuiƱa(or 'Kodkod'), and works as a nurse! Her older self has a shorter pixie haircut, so please try to draw her with that style!

Shes a full time lesbo, bit on the small side but not too noticeabely, probably a bottom in a relationship but loyal af

Ulimi is a nurse(one that doesnt deal with kids), and works in a hospital! After she started he fulltime job as a nurse, the feline decided to cut her hair so it wouldn't be as much of a hassle to deal with in the early morning. She def likes clubs, and used to work parttime as a bartender during her college years so she knows the best and safest bars, and all their secrets. Being more of an extrovert, she usually is a ball of energy that runs on caffine and 4 hours of sleep, but she will happily sit there and listen to you vent if you're having a rough day. 100% makes ur lunch rly neatly before u wake up and leaves little notes that say like 'hope you're having a great day!!' in them.