


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info










  • Malfys is the God of his own world, quite literally! Malfys draws cards at a table of chance to determine the fates of his favorite creations -- while not everyone gets tarot cards and dice to determine their lives, this is probably for the better as Malfys' chance is usually more subject to cruelty than benevolence
  • he displays interest or compassion for characters by subjecting them to hardship, this is because he believes it helps them grow as characters rather than staying stagnant by getting too comfortable in a state without change -- he gives his favorites supernatural powers which they unlock more of by suffering hardship and overcoming
  • Malfys is vain, self-interested and egotistical -- he makes reference to his Godly presence often and doesn't let others forget that he's the one in the position of power -- his status often gets to his head, but he doesn't exactly care considering there's not anyone else around to threaten him -- on the off chance people do try to stand up to him, he doesn't take kindly to it, he's particularly unforgiving
  • despite this, he knows more than he should and is exceptionally wise -- in fact, his knowledge is what makes him such a distorted person, enlightenment was not a positive experience for him and he has some fourth wall knowledge that makes him volatile and aggressive
  • when he's not being a generally terrible person he's very charismatic and charming however, he has a stage presence that's compelling -- it comes from his overwhelming confidence, but can be shattered if sensitive or dangerous subjects are touched upon -- he also acts nonchalant in most situations, seeming leisurely and relaxed when internally he's probably more tense than he'd like to let on
  • his favorite weapon is his purple-heart sword, which he keeps on him most of the time
  • he likes to quote the Bible and other holy texts or figures, often at completely inappropriate or comedic timings -- his sense of humor is often morbid, dry and questionable
  • poetic thinker-- he tends to think deeply about things and he has symbolic intent behind most things
  • he mourns his favorites when they die and dedicatedly cares about them -- deep underneath his facade of bravado he's profoundly depressed and lonely, he's just very good at hiding it and dodging accusations
  • he plays the organ and piano, periodically at his own church services