Nero Clawdius



3 years, 2 months ago


Nero Clawdius

He/Him || Gay || Trans Man || Linoone Gijinka

Guy who lives in Yache City. Has a semi-popular rock/metal band, he's the lead guitarist/vocalist. No one is sure if that's his real name or a stage name. He has quite the stage presence and energy, but is relatively quiet off it - despite being the lead of a semi-popular band, he somehow doesn't get noticed much, and he likes it that way. He is very nice and generally down to earth, a little blunt sometimes but.

He encountered a gijinka of a pokemon he couldn't quite place during his last semester at university, and went on to befriend him. Shortly after term finished and he graduated, a scandal struck the school, rumors of pokemon experimentation, and it closed down. Nero doesn't know the truth of what happened, nor the truth of his new Falinks boyfriend. He's been (unsuccessfully) trying to get his boyfriend to move in with him for the past few months...