I've eyed them for so long, if they're still available I'd be interested in buying em!

they are still available if youre still interested im so sorry for the late response !

I'm still interested! How much will i have to pay for em?

20$ !! im sorry again for the late reply i need to check here more often

No worries! Through paypal was it?

yup !! [email protected]ย please !

2 Replies

hey! i Just saw this cutie and i absolutely love them, i was wondering if you accept trades for them? if so, i can trade anyone from my adopts folder https://toyhou.se/H0neyy_Bun_Bun/characters/folder:2385734 and my Unsorted characters here! https://toyhou.se/H0neyy_Bun_Bun/characters/folder:3531501 (apart from Carno and Cherry) if you cant trade them, thats ok tho ^^ i hope u have a good day / night!

Hihi!! Would you trade this fella by any means? And if you would take USD, how much would you want for him :0? I may be able to think about it at the least, but I can offer characters from my Unsorted and my side account Atonement !