Dorian Arnet



9 years, 14 days ago


Dorian is the legal guardian of his adopted brother, Ludwig. Unable to take care of his brother, their finances, and school simultaneously, Dorian dropped out of high school in order to take care of his brother. He delivers mail in the afternoon with his brother and then delivers mail at night by himself (he feels more energetic at night) although his night deliveries can scare residents at times.
His surprisingly energy-consuming job and his nocturnal sleep schedule conflicts a lot and that leaves him exhausted, but he still makes time for his little brother.
Dorian is a jittery individual (he drinks a lot of coffee to keep up with his work and social life) but he has a strong paternal side which makes him great with kids. He loves making art and crafts; he even made a necklace for Ludwig.

Height: 5''9
Sexuality: Heterosexual (although he has no time for a relationship)
Species: Bat

His adopted brother, Ludwig, looks up to him