17✦ Melia



3 years, 5 months ago


# / 85: 17
 Melia ("Muh-lay-ah") Mai Galanis
Nickname(s): "Meal-e-ah" (Kaya's teasing nickname- basically sounds like "Amelia" but without the A)
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She,Her
Birthday | Zodiac: May 20th | Taurus (Taurus-Gemini Cusp)
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Homo-sexual/romantic (Lesbian)
Age: Adult shown in fullbody ref! (Drawing them younger/older is fine!)
Height (Human): 5’2”ft
Species: Human (Animal form can be cat or wolf)
Eye Color/Range(s): Cyan/Blue
MBTI: ISTJ-T (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging-Turbulent) "The Logician"
- Works for her family Company | Galanis- Tech/Search Engine (Young Adult)
- CEO/In charge of the family company | Galanis- Tech/Search Engine (Adult)

Quick Get to Know:
Super studious, organized and dedicated to her work. 
She's super independent and can also be very introverted but she enjoys small company especially from those she's close with. She can also be stubborn and occasionally impulsive at times. Overall at her core she's super caring and would do anything for those she is close with but she occasionally loses sight of this when pre-occupied with her work/the business. She's also less emotionally expressive tending to just not express or keeping her emotions to herself- her eyes are noted for giving her away a bit at times though! (Its worth mentioning her eyes are faded for a good portion of her young adult/adult life)

Likes ♥:
Reading, tea, winter/snow/cold weather, cuddling, technology, coding/computer programs, libraries, organizing, wine, letters/writing letters, wax seals

Dislikes X:

Being unorganized, summer/hot weather, meetings

Bonus/Fun Facts:
- Associated with:-

- School District: -
- Name Meaning(s): Melia can mean "work" "brave" "diligent", Mai means "coyote" and Galanis is "pale blue eyes/azure/milky blue" in Greek
- Health: She gets pretty depressed for awhile after her sister (Kaya) death! She does recover in time!
- Inspiration: Typical older beautiful, wise and successful sister characters/tropes basically? Idk man I'm just gay!! And wanted to draw pretty business lady!!!
- Body Type Info: Curvy and slightly thick/sturdy!? (She isn't dainty basically)

- In a fantasy AU setting she's the eldest princess who becomes queen after her parents passing!
- In the same way Kaya sometimes says "Oh Dear" Melia may say "Oh My"
- Kaya/Melia are very alike/similar this is due to their closeness as well. However Kaya was more willing to breakaway from the family then Melia and this divides them.
- Where Kaya see's her family business leading to misery/wants nothing to do with it Melia sees it as her parent's just needing help/that it can be better. Both are right.
- The only reason Melia keeps Daichi at such a distance is because she thinks he's better off far away from the family + thinks he'll be upset with her anyway. She also feels guilty for pushing Kaya (Daichis mother) away.
- As she gets older she slowly goes from lighter colored wardrobe to darker colors, after Kayas passing she takes on a completely dark wardrobe and dyes the end of her hair Kayas color in mourning, when she gets past that she returns back to a mix of lighter/darker colors and cuts her hair shorter/removes the dyed bit.
- The family company/business makes tech products and a search engine (They are the equivalent of a fusion of Apple Products and Google)
- Melia's eyes fade/desaturate in time as she grows up. Her jewelry however has her true/birth eye color! After processing Kayas death her eyes begin and eventually return back to her true/birth color!
- It is somewhat of a Galanis family tradition for the girls to wear jewelry/necklaces with the family Cyan color in a square/diamond/rectangle shape jewel!

- The Galanis family/the family business is very much a matriarchy sort of energy.
- Anesa/Mike often pressure Melia to help get Kaya to 'behave'. They accidently end up putting the sisters against one another and Melia starts to side/act more like her parents. They are ultimately the wedge between Melia and Kaya.
- Melia often gets frustrated by Kaya due to her being a bit stubborn and rejecting a lot of what her parents try to do. She doesn't listen to her and her wishes however despite what she tries to tell her. Often even seeing her eventually as a bit of a rebellious/ kid who's just throwing a fit just like her parents do (Anesa/Mike influence Melias perception of Kaya greatly over time). The final thing she said to her sister was that Kaya was "the family disappointment" she later regrets this immensely. Her final words combined with her general treatment, lack of listening and it all resulting in Kaya dieing (And Daichi- Kayas son being orphaned) throws her into a depression.
- Despite cutting off her sister at a point Kaya still sent her letters in a attempt to reconnect. Melia keeps them but does not open them (trying to still ghost/keep her cut off). Upon hearing of Kayas death she opens them. Later on when she sends things and communicates with Daichi she continues to do so in the form of letters. This being a sort of continuation of the letters, a way to stay distant/limit communication and a homage of sort to her/her sister (Daichi's mother)
- Melia is the last person to open up to talking to Daichi (Who is curious/trying to find out about his origins/his parents the first being Kyle, second Chris and third Melia)
- Ailish becomes a mentor to Melia! When Melia is at her low/depressed Ailish happens to meet her and the two get along well. Ailish being older and having experience with work/life balance and everything ends up advising Melia and showing her how to live a bit again. (Having fun, taking breaks, hobbys, relationships and stuff). This support/mentorship helps Melia recover over time such as her eye color returning, her depression/grief and her more cheerful/lively future.
- Ever since Melia knew of Daichi she began putting money aside for him in an account. She also sends him money/gift cards every year for his birthday via letter through Kyle. When Daichi turns 18 she gives him access to the account. Essentially Daichi is well off and has a bunch of stored funds. He mostly keeps it saved/only touches it when needed and is willing to share it with close family/friends. His main/notable purchases with it include him and Sheas house and helping NorahXJosie start their bakery.
- Melia does not tell her parents Daichi is alive despite finding out a few days after the fire. She doesn't want to risk him getting pulled into the family/it's mess and feels he's best off far away from them/with his adopted family. They never find out that he survived.
- Daichi was given the opportunity to eventually take over the company/be involved with the company by his Aunt Melia but he passes it up. He is incredibly happy/content where his life is, his job and being with his family. Melia understands this/thinks it's sweet and of course the offer is always open. She eventually ends up with Daichis daughter Shelagh as her successor (After Shelagh takes interest/desires to one day take over)