


9 years, 15 days ago


Age: 17
Species: TBA
Element: Light
Sexuality: TBA


Kiriyu is a happy-go-lucky individual who is the prince of a small and often over-looked kingdom whose name Kiriyu describes as "not important since you're gonna forget it anyways".
He's a goofball to say it bluntly and that worries his people greatly since he's the sole heir to the throne. Kiriyu hates and even fears responsibility, having little faith in himself and always telling himself that he'll mess up. To cover his fear and low-self esteem, Kiriyu plays jokes and pranks and even though he's a bright young man, he comes off as childish and useless, but for Kiriyu that's a relief; no one would give him high expectations that he knows he'll ruin anyways.
When his father died, Kiriyu felt a sense of dread knowing he's the next king...until he was kidnapped by a rebel group who felt that Kiriyu was unfit for the throne. After escaping the rebel group, Kiriyu encountered Teela  and joined her on her journey, not bothering to return to his kingdom.