Cari Dew



7 years, 9 days ago




name Cari Dew
age 19
zodiac leo
gender female
sexuality gay
type alicorn
role doctor


positive - ambitious, resourceful, unassuming
neutral - unpredictable, optimistic, frequent mood changes
negative - arrogant, irresponisble, ignores advice often
likes - water, short ponies, lemons
dislikes - sand, persistent ponies
relationship - single, crushing on Elsie


Cari was born to an unstable family of scientists who specialized in purifying water. The whole family stayed in Canterlot, and her mother was quite old-fashioned and strict, she expected everyone in the family to listen to her husband. Cari, despite not liking her family all too much, was very interested in her family's job and history. For three years she studied with her aunt, a reliable yet rebellious young adult, and learnt quite a bit about their family's special magic. Cari also picked up some of her aunt's behaviours, one of which was her habit of eating raw lemons.

Cari's mother put quite a lot of trust in her ability to make decisions for herself and often left her alone to study, which wasn't necessarily a bad choice. By nine years old Cari was the family's magical prodigy, and would spend most of her time near some ponds right outside Canterlot. It was strange because she didn't know how to swim, yet she still felt completely comfortable there. One day she was collecting and purifying water for the lower class citezens and she noticed an earth pony filly staring into one of the ponds. Her name was Elucia, who preferred to be called Elsie, and she was quite well known for her artistic talents within that area of the city.

Cari continued watching Elsie stare into the water, not quite curious, but more worried for the filly who seemed quite out of it. Then Elsie fell in. Cari panicked for a moment silently, then burst into action to save the filly. She knocked over purified water and ran to the water as fast as she could. She hesitated for a few moments, then dove into the water to help. Cari was in the pond struggling to pull Elsie out when she felt a very painful pang in her head, her vision went blurry for a moment then she saw two fish. Right after both of the ponies got safely out Elsie pointed out that Cari had gotten her Cutie Mark. Neither of them knew exactly what it meant, but Cari had an idea. Elsie told Cari of her experience in the pond, where she saw two fish swimming around each other, and Cari admitted that she had seen the same when saving her.

After these events the two became quite close friends of spent most of their time together, and taught each other about their own specialties and hobbies. Elsie learned more about how water can be unsafe and Cari learned about different colours. They got along extremely well for about three years until a letter came to Cari's mother

[ currently a work in progress ]

"heaven forbid they see you cry."