Cimmon Aiken



3 years, 2 months ago


A young painter trying to make ends meet and to live life with as much freedom as he can.
All the while trying to forget and run away of his old identity and family. But maybe there's more than the eye meet's to his identity.
AGE 22 Years
Observant - Creative - Fast-thinking - Caring
Complex - Independent - Wakeful
Abrasive - Impertinent - Insecure - Invasive
Drawing | Videogames | Sightseeing | Being alone | Talking about creative things | Mornings | Coffee | Jesters | Cooking
Crowded areas | Talking about his parents | Needles | Party people | Hot weather | Children | Golden butterflies | Controlling people






Cimmon is a very observant person, always with an eye on what’s happening around him and quickly noticing things of interest. He too is a very creative person, always thinking of ideas to draw, or interesting solutions for problems he faces or silly things to pass the time, this helps him when in dire situations, having a fast-thinking he can manage multiple situations, tho that doesn’t stop him from making poor decisions on the panic, but at least he decided doing them fast enough i guess?
To those close to him Cimmon can be a very caring person, when the feat of getting on his good side for real is achieved, you will have a great ally and companion, even if his way of showing care can be a little rough around the edges.
The artist is a rather complex person, his actions and behaviors can be hard to understand to most people, especially to those who don’t interact much with him, being overly independent makes Cimmon not usually go asking for help preferring to deal with his issues privately, sadly he’s not good at hiding the negative emotions that come with such problems sometimes being rude by no reason to others and then acting like nothing happened, only trying to fix things if someone points his error to him. Cimmon too doesn’t need much sleep, as he’s your usual night-owl sleeping at unholy hours every night and being completely fine the next day.
Cimmon is very abrasive to strangers not really taking their feeling into consideration before saying or doing something usually not understanding why they get mad at him and tending to be rather rude to people when confronted, respect from Cimmon needs to be gained and getting it is a rather difficult quest, but once gained you will have a tamed Cimmon by your side.
The artist is a rather insecure person when it comes to compliments about learnable skills, abilities or his artistic works, even if he appreciates them, he turns into a red mess and tries to deny accepting them to his very own death. But if you compliment his appearance, he will not be pleased at all.
He too is a rather invasive person, having a great interest in knowing about anything he deems interesting, including uncomfortable topics like the demise of others or deadly illnesses. He tends to ignore others' boundaries in order to satisfy his own curiosity, not understanding, and neither liking, when they refuse to answer or lash out at him. He doesn’t notice how his morbid curiosity makes people uncomfortable, as for him these are simple questions anyone would like to know.

Since young Cimmon was treated like a prince by his mother, being her first child and a precious tool to his father, being the heir to the medical company Lumbra Minic. Everything was perfect in his little life, until his sister entered the picture. The boy’s mother dream was to have a little princess, and when he was 5 years old such dream was achieved, but with a cost, his sister had a very low immune system making her be as fragile as a glass vessel, the fear of losing the girl made their mother became over protective of her daughter, not allowing anyone to get close to her, even Cimmon, with time this transferred to the boy as well resulting in him being taken out of school at a young age in favor of homeschooling and later making him not even be able to leave his room to the courtyard, only place he could talk with Mirella over the window.

The kids father, sadly put work over both of them and let his wife do whatever she pleased, he only remembered about Cimmon’s existence in order to teach him about the things he was in need of knowing to be the perfect successor and owner of the company when the time came. He never considered Cimmon’s sister an option, due to not believing that she would do ‘the job right’ believing that her health would get in the way of being the best choice and by the time he thought about her she was already not useful due to her sweet personality and the fact that she could barely stand on her own or leave the house due to being locked up by his wife from the outside.

This loneliness and abandonment made Cimmon learn a variety of things to pass the time, specially after he was prohibited of going to the courtyard or the outside of the house, he learned how to make drawings, play some instruments, and coking his passion, but in due time it all was taken away by his mother because of their ‘dangers’, she gradually locked and prohibited his acces to different places of the house after she discovered something in there that could be dangerous and took away any kind of materials or instruments from his personal room that could bring any kind of harm.
At some point the boy developed a fascination with death due to his close contact with his parents' work, the lack of care for his mental wellbeing and his sister's condition made the condition turn into a permanent trait.

When he turned 16 Cimmon passed to live with his aunt and uncle, this was arranged by his father, in trade of the boy living with them the man would give the couple’s son a good position at the company. The man wanted his son to start to learn in practice about some things of the business, but due to his wife's paranoia he decided the best was to separate the two. Due to good results in training Cimmon was allowed to paint as a hobby, but the boy was smart, he started to sell his paintings in secret by the fake name of Cimmon Aiken to get enough money to flee from his hellish life. At 18 he moved out of the toxic household and changed his name to Cimmon Aiken. It was not that hard to get used to living alone, since he was used to being independent. Letting his family aside made his life be peaceful and calm, just like he wanted.

Now 22 he lives in a peaceful state of doing things he enjoys and experimenting doing what he could never do before, while still trying to avoid his family and the duty of being a heir so many imposed on him. His next objective is to get his siste out to, but still hasn't figured out how.

His original hair color is dark brown, but he paints it blonde.
Cimmon is not afraid of wearing more feminine clothes, but his preference still stands on hoddies.
He never wears short sleeved clothes or clothing that show his arms.
Cimmon have small faded scars from falling off a tree when younger. He have a giant burn scar that takes most of his right forearm from a culinary mishap.
Cimmon changed his whole name when he got out of his family house, he hates to be called by his old name,
He carries with him all the time a backpack that contains personal belongings and some drawing materials.
Cimmon doesn't like vintage looking stairs getting unnerved when close to them.
He owns a white mutt called Rokky, a borzoi named Mocha and a Doberman called Lechku.
