Basic Info


TRON series (TRON 1982, TRON: Uprising, TRON: Legacy)



Nika was first compiled and rezzed in onto the Encom System. Her game system was made in 1985. Because she was initially a game program, she has fighting skills and an identity disc. 

Beta Stage

Nika is the program equivalent of a 16-20 year old human.

Nika is a fairly young program. She's the CPU player for a multi-player game produced by Encom in the late eighties, and as such is still an original Encom style program instead of a new-Grid program.  As a gladiator just out of beta, she was fairly lucky to be able to survive the MCP's takeover.  She also has a pet bit.

-Imagining the outside world
-Sparring practice
-Talking with her User
-Experimenting with creating simulations (she’s not good at it yet)

-Being limited
-When she loses contact with others
-When her Bit glitches out
-Finding broken areas of the system

-Nika's Bit tends to say 'Ja' and 'Nein' instead of 'Yes' and 'No'.
Nika's User needs glasses, but she does not.