
3 years, 2 months ago


Gender: female 

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 27

Sexuality: aromantic, asexual 

Personality: chill, greedy sometimes, sassy, mostly cares only for the people close to her. 

Background: Tori was never a "community" person, even though she never minded when it's a friend that's visiting. When she turned 20, she moved out to live alone far from most places people will go to. Tori doesn't care much about most things unless it's something personal or too "dangerous". She will also help visitors who find her small house in the "Silent Woods" for the right price. 

Ron: He found her house when they lost their staff. Begging for help from her without paying anything for half an hour, Tori surrendered and agreed to help him. After they found the staff Ron started visiting Tori, telling her he was bored and she seems nice. The two connected over time, becoming best friends. 

Void: She and Roy are the first beings that interacted with it aside from animals, they think of them as friends.

Species: witch

Planet: Earth