- 📌 | Liam - (- extra info -)



  • What is your character's morning routine? He doesn’t do “routines“ per se. He just kinda does whatever he wants to do at that moment but in the morning he makes sure to do all his hygiene and get changed before making some (probably unhealthy) breakfast.
  • What languages does your character speak at home? He speaks usually English but he knows Latin as well. 
  • When did your character last cry? Probably not in a while, he doesn’t like to let his emotions show if he can help it.
  • What body language is typical of your character? Well, first of all, his posture is so bad it makes a hunchback look normal. He‘s often hunched over, sleeping but even walking, he can’t stand up straight unless he really wants to and tries. But during conversation, he’s very expressive in his hand movements even though his actual expressions are usually very neutral.
  • How did your character get the job they now have? He was born into the royal family so he didn’t have to do much.
  • What are some skills or talents your character has? He can fly and is very talented in fashion design and making of clothes and dresses. He can also heal himself and others with some effort.
  • Has your character ever had their heart broken? Honestly no, he has never dated anyone because he doesn’t want to a) hurt them physically or emotionally and b) get hurt.
  • Describe your character’s neighborhood. Being of royal blood, he lives in the royal castle in Hell. Everything is very fancy and neat. There are no other houses or living spaces for a while around the castle.
  • To which parent does your character feel closest? Neither, he never knew his mother and his father isn’t the best. His mother is deceased but was alos a commoner light angel so there was no way to meet her either way.
  • How clean or tidy is your character’s home or personal room? Now, his home is very tidy and clean but one look at Liam’s room will ruin everything, there is mess everywhere and random garbage and litter all over the place. He’s a little of a hoarder.
  • Which actor would you want to play your character in a live-action movie?  Booboo Stewart 
  • What gets your character up in the mornings? Nothing really unless he planned a good meal for the morning, then he gets up early, but he usually gets out of bed around 1pm everyday.
  • How easy is it to make your character angry? What would it take? Liam suffers with IED (intermittent explosive disorder) and it’s very very easy to piss him off, even just looking at him the wrong way can cause him to blow up at you.
  • Does your character ever spend time with coworkers outside of work? Since he doesn’t really have his own job and just stays in the castle, he doesn’t have any coworkers to spend time with except the servants which he rarely talks to. 
  • How does your character celebrate their birthday? He honestly rarely actually celebrates and usually just takes the day to sleep unless his best friend wants to do something.
  • What was your character like as a child? Little troublemaker, would love to play pranks on his father and servants until about age 11 and then his mother died and his father changed, would punish him physically if he did anymore pranks.
  • How far would your character go to have someone’s back? He would do anything for his best friend, maybe some distant friends too but usually he will do the bare minimum to keep the friendship alive. He cares about doing things for others but doesn’t mind if people don’t do things for him.
  • Which living person would your character most like to meet? Which dead person? He doesn’t really have anyone alive who he’d want to meet but he’d give anything to finally meet his dead mother who he never even got to know when she was alive.
  • Is your character an overachiever, an underachiever, or just an achiever? Just an achiever honestly, he tries but he doesn’t go too far or do too little. He gets things done.
  • Does your character believe in happy endings? Depends, he doesn’t like to think about the future but he really hopes he’ll have a good ending and thinks they might be possible to achieve.
  • How does your character feel about their name? He doesn’t really care, he doesn’t mind it and doesn’t think too much about it. The only thing he would change would be his last name. He goes by his mothers last name and doesn’t want to use his fathers last name.
  • What is the most beautiful thing your character has ever seen? The night his mother died, even though he didn’t know her, he was crying his eyes out until the sun set and he swears that nights sunset was even more beautiful than usual and he will never forget it.
  • How far would your character go to keep their promises? He doesn’t make promises often but when he does, he ALWAYS keeps them no matter how he has to. 
  • Does/has your character ever played a sport? He doesn’t play sports for the most part but he does like to play cricket once in a while.
  • If your character could be reincarnated, what would they like to be reincarnated as? A large black cormorant!
  • How would your character prefer to die? Depending on his future he’d either like to die next to his loved ones if he ever had a family or otherwise die in glory in a duel.
  • Who would your character turn to for help? He almost never talks to people about his problems or anything but when he does, its always Rowan, his best friend.
  • What does your character wear when they go to sleep? Either what he was wearing the day prior because he’s too lazy to change or just boxers.
  • What are your character’s pet peeves? When people think they‘re hot shit or better than him and slow walkers.
  • What jobs do/did your character’s parents have? Liam’s father is the king in Hell and his mother was a chef in Heaven.
  • What does your character consider to be the worst thing that can be done to a person? Betrayed by a trusted one. He believes trust is the most important thing to have and if it’s broken, that’s the worst thing ever.
  • When was the first time your character fell in love? He has never been in love but is always looking for the love of his life.
  • Does your character have a pet? Or are there pets in the home? He has an albino pet rat named Lucifer in his room.
  • What does your character do for fun? He doodles in crayon, sketches fashion designs, flies around the castle and sleeps.
  • What’s in your character’s pockets? He doesn’t carry a lot with him except a lucky rabbit foot.
  • Would your character describe themself as intelligent? Yes, he is both street and book smart and very quick witted.
  • How well does your character get along with authority figures? Not very well, especially with his father, the king, he believes he shouldn’t have to listen anyone and is in charge of his own life.
  • What does your character like to spend money on? Snacks, fabric and jewelry.
  • Does your character have any tattoos or piercings? Do they want any? He has both ears pierced as well as both nipples. He wants a tattoo on the back of his neck but hasn’t gotten one yet.
  • Does your character have any physical disabilities? No, he’s physically very healthy.
  • Is your character superstitious? A little, he Carrie’s a lucky rabbit foot with him at all times and believes the number 4 is lucky.
  • What’s the view from your character’s window? He has a balcony instead of a window and it overlooks the entire main city.
  • Has your character ever been embarrassed by a family member or vice versa? No, he and his family are very polite and would never embarrass another member.
  • Does your character wear any jewelry? Do they have any favorite pieces? He does! He wears simple gold ball earrings and nipple piercings. His favorite though is his fancy horn jewelry that he wears to formal events.
  • What does your character do to relax? He drinks off most of his problems. But when he doesn’t want to drink to relax, he often just doodles.
  • What’s the worst thing that ever happened to your character? His father has been abusing him since about 11 years old and it just got worse and worse.
  • Does your character believe in the afterlife? Seeing as he already lives in the afterlife for mortals, he believes in it for humans but isn’t sure about any afterlife after an angel dies.
  • Does your character have any allergies? Very severe reactions to bee stings.
  • How does your character display affection? Do they like PDA? Liam’s love language is quality time and he doesn‘t enjoy PDA or any touch very much,
  • Does your character have a favorite room in their house? The large library in the basement, he sneaks down there to get away from everything and read up on their history.
  • What does your character do on a Friday night (after their work week)? When all the commoners are done working for the week, the royal castle is still very busy with servants whose only day off is Sunday. But everyday is a rest day for Liam so Fridays are no different.
  • What would your character do if they won the lottery jackpot? He would either save the money or just spend it all at once, there’s no in between. He‘d probably spend it on jewelry, fabric and alcohol.
  • Is your character “naturally talented” at anything? He’s very talented at designing clothes.
  • What is in your character’s fridge? Lots of drinks, random junk food and half eaten leftovers that no one will ever get around to eating.
  • How would your character’s family describe them? “Lazy but determined and ambitious“
  • What is your character’s nighttime routine? Most of the time he’ll just jump into bed with his clothes on, no hygiene but sometimes he’ll take a shower, brush his teeth and get into boxers before sleeping.
  • What is your character’s most prized possession, and where do they keep it? Lucky rabbit foot and he keeps in his pocket at all times.
  • Who is your character’s hero? His mother based off all the stories his father would tell him when he was in a good mood.
  • If your character searched their name on Google, what would they find? Lots of drunken photos and random nonsense he posted at 2am along with family photos and an obituary for his mother.
  • What scares your character more than anything? Losing himself, going insane scares him to no end, he never wants to lose his mind.
  • How would your character’s enemy describe them? He doesn’t have many enemies but if he did, they would say “ambitious and full of himself”.
  • What are your character’s eating habits like? Junk food mostly along with rare gourmet meals made by the chefs in the castle.
  • What does your character think about their job? He is proud to be a prince but also knows that there are many angels with not even a place to live which humbles him a little.
  • How easily does your character make friends? Not very easy, his anger issues make it hard to get along with people but the few that stay by him are true friends.
  • What is your character’s dream job? To become king once his father dies.
  • What is the most offensive thing someone has said to your character?
  • Does your character exercise regularly, or are they involved in sports?
  • How does your character view strangers?
  • What makes your character laugh?
  • What advice would your character give to their younger self?
  • What previous jobs has your character had?
  • What do your character and their friends do together?
  • How does your character generally respond to failure?
  • What items does your character keep close to their bed?
  • What does your character think about when they can't sleep?
  • What is your character's most prominent physical feature?
  • Does your character want to trust others and repair relationships, or is your character more likely to hold a grudge and see forgiveness as weakness?
  • What would your character have to experience to turn into the worst version of themself?
  • Which of your character’s siblings is believed to be their parents’ favorite?
  • How would you describe your character’s gait?
  • Is your character’s situation better or worse than the one they were born in?
  • How does your character deal with stress?
  • Were your character's parents strict or lenient?
  • How does your character handle conflicts with others?
  • Who is your character's best friend?
  • Is your character's job what they planned to do, or did they fall into it?
  • Does your character have any vices or addictions?
  • Are there any health problems or disabilities in your character's family?
  • Who's your character's biggest enemy?
  • Is your character right or left-handed?
  • How does your character feel about drugs or alcohol?
  • Has your character had a falling out with another character?
  • Is your character a "half full" or "half empty" kind of person?
  • How many siblings does your character have? Where do they fall in the order of birth?
  • If one or more of your character's parents are dead, how did their death affect your character?
  • What does your character view to be their greatest personal failing?
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
  • What is your character's idea of a really fun time?
  • Are your character's parents still alive, and if so, where are they now?
  • How is your character's current mental health?
  • What does your character's voice sound like?
  • How is your character viewed by others?
  • When your character was a child, what was one thing they could always be sure of?
  • How long has your character had their current job? When did they start?
  • What was your character's greatest talent as a child?
  • What in your character's life are they most pleased with right now?
  • What is the most pressing problem your character has right now?
  • What is your character doing on Halloween night?
  • What is your character most proud of?
  • What does your character consider their most admirable quality?
  • How well did your character do in school?
  • Who is your character’s biggest competition?
  • What is your character's posture like?
  • When is the last time your character saw their parents?
  • What would your character consider to be their greatest achievement? What do others consider it to be?
  • What does your character’s work space look like?
  • What type of content would your character make on social media platforms?
  • What is/would be your character’s favorite movie?
  • What could your character accomplish if they reached their full potential?
  • What is your character’s handwriting like?
  • What is one food that your character absolutely refuses to eat?
  • What was your character’s childhood dream job?
  • Does your character make decisions on impulse, or do they think things through?
  • What is your character’s obsession?
  • If your character could travel through time, where would they go?
  • What is your character’s weakest trait?
  • When did your character last make a promise?
  • Where does your character go when they’re angry?
  • What place would your character most like to visit?
  • What is your character’s favorite food?
  • What is your character’s favorite animal?
  • What does your character do on Thanksgiving?
  • Did your character grow up rich or poor?
  • What is your character’s favorite song?
  • Is your character more likely to fight with their fists or their words?
  • What is your character’s greatest regret?
  • What is your character’s favorite fairy tale?
  • What is the worst thing your character has done to someone they loved?
  • What quality does your character value most in a friend?
  • What was your character’s first kiss like?
  • Has your character ever been bullied or teased?
  • Did your character grow up nurtured or neglected?
  • What was your character's last major disappointment?
  • How does your character react to praise?
  • How does your character want to be seen by others?
  • What is your character’s choice of weapon?
  • What is the most offensive thing your character has ever said?
  • What sense does your character most rely on?
  • What is your character’s soft drink of choice?
  • Has anyone ever saved your character’s life?
  • What is your character’s kryptonite?
  • What is your character’s favorite proverb?
  • Did your character have an imaginary childhood friend?
  • What past act is your character most proud of?
  • When did your character last lie?
  • Does your character celebrate Hanukkah? Do they have any friends that do?
  • What is your character’s favorite color?
  • What past act is your character most ashamed of?
  • What is your character’s alcoholic drink of choice?
  • If your character could change one thing about themself, what would it be?
  • How does your character treat people better than them? How do they treat people worse than them?
  • How does your character spend Christmas Eve?
  • What is your character’s best childhood memory?
  • What is your character’s view of freedom?
  • If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?
  • Is your character indoorsy or outdoorsy?
  • Who are your character’s natural allies? Who are their unexpected allies?
  • What is your character’s view of lying?
  • What does your character do on New Year’s Eve?
  • What would your character ask a fortune teller?
  • What is your character’s perception of redemption?
  • How does your character see themself?
  • How competitive is your character?
  • How does your character respond to a threat?
  • What is your character’s sharpest sense?
  • What are your character’s ambitions?
  • What is your character’s worst childhood memory?
  • What words or phrases does your character overuse?
  • What is your character’s perception of family?
  • How does your character react to criticism?
  • What is your character’s strongest trait?
  • What would your character’s highest stat in D&D be?
  • How would your story change if your character swapped roles with a different character?
  • What would your character’s Google search history look like?
  • Why does your character dress the way they do? How much thought do they put behind their outfit?
  • What is your character’s first memory?
  • How would your character act if they were tasked with babysitting, or otherwise being in charge of small children?
  • Is there any special meaning behind your character’s name?
  • Who is your character’s biggest rival? Why?
  • What would your OC like to be remembered by?
  • What is your character's writing style like when writing texts, emails, letters, etc.?
  • What was the last book your character read? Did they enjoy it?
  • Has your character ever had a one-night stand? How did they feel afterwards?
  • How would your character react to being catcalled?
  • Does your character stay up late or wake up early?
  • What’s a job your character would never consider, no matter how much it paid?
  • How well would your character handle a long-distance relationship?
  • Has your character ever had to break up with someone?
  • How does your character treat those who owe them money?
  • How does your character feel in large groups vs small ones?
  • Is your character more likely to ask for permission or forgiveness?
  • Is your character more of a text person or a phone call person? Why?
  • What is the best party your character has ever been to?
  • Would your character trade 10 years of their lifespan for wealth, beauty, or success?
  • Who or what does your character turn to when they’re upset?
  • Has your character ever done something illegal?
  • Your character is at a bar/cafe when the one person they don’t want to see walks in. How do they react?
  • Does your character handle rejection well?
  • How would your character’s worst enemy describe them?
  • Does your character take long or short showers? Is the water hot or cold?
  • How would your character respond to an apology from someone they still can’t forgive?
  • To whom was your character closest as a child?
  • What does your character do on Valentine’s Day?
  • How would your character’s best friend describe them?
  • Is your character good at lying?
  • What is the worst thing your character has ever wished on somebody?
  • How punctual is your character?
  • What is something your character quit, that they now regret?
  • If everything in your character’s story went exactly how they wanted it to, where would they be?
  • Does your character celebrate Mardi Gras?
  • What does your character fear most in the world?
  • What does your character’s “formal attire” look like? What would they wear to a fancy or official event?
  • Does your character have any triggers?
  • Does your character have a significant other? If so, how are things going with that person? If not, would they want one? (This is not a proposal lol)
  • What is something your character did once and will never do again?
  • Who encouraged or supported your character the most in their past?
  • Who was the most important person in your character’s formative years?
  • Has your character’s opinion of anyone changed over the course of their story? Why?
  • Has your character ever had to give up on a goal or dream? Why?
  • Who caused your character the greatest pain in their past and why?
  • How does your character feel about their education? Do they look back on their school days with pride or regret?
  • What is your character’s greatest desire?
  • What is your character’s biggest obstacle to achieving their goal?
  • Did your character go to college? If so, how did they pay for it? What did they study? If not, why didn’t they? Would they want to if they could?
  • Did your character have a childhood best friend? Do they still talk to them now?
  • Which of your character’s family members is their favorite?
  • What’s your character’s most embarrassing memory?
  • Does your character live with anyone? If so, how do they get along with them?
  • How does your character feel about their family members?
  • Was your character raised with a certain religion? Do they still believe it now?
  • How does your character typically react to something they fear?
  • Is there something that your character needs or wants but doesn’t have?
  • If everything in your character’s story went wrong, what would happen to them?
  • Does your character often dress provocatively? What do they think about others who do?
  • Is your character a good dancer?
  • Who does your character trust the most?
  • What is your character most likely to get arrested for?
  • What is something your character thinks about a lot?
  • If your character could write a book, what would it be about?
  • How does your character respond to a challenge?
  • How does your character feel about their living situation?
  • What is your character’s biggest secret?
  • What kind of music does your character listen to?
  • How would your character help someone who doesn’t understand their language?
  • If your character lived in the real world, what would they be like?
  • How did your character meet their best friend?
  • What is your character’s sense of humor like?
  • Does your character celebrate April Fool’s Day? Have they ever been pranked by anyone?
  • What are your character’s bad habits?
  • If your character couldn’t do the job they have, what would they do instead?
  • Does your character have any nicknames? Does everyone use their nickname, or is it only reserved for a specific person?
  • Does your character play any instruments?
  • Does your character consider themself an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Does your character have any scars or birthmarks? Is there any meaning behind them if they do?
  • Does your character ever plan on retiring? What do they want to do if they retire?
  • Does your character celebrate Easter? Have they ever gone egg hunting?
  • How often is your character required to attend family functions?
  • Is your character neurodivergent?
  • What is one thing only your character’s best friend knows about them?
  • Does your character curse a lot? What do they think about people who do?
  • What is something you wish you could tell your character?
  • Does your character have any coworkers they’re close with? Any they can’t stand?
  • How does your character approach a complex problem?
  • What matters the most to your character?
  • Who in your character’s family would they confide in? Who in their family cannot be trusted with a secret?
  • What is one thing your character would never tell their best friend?
  • Has your character ever taken drugs before?
  • Do other people consider your character a good person?
  • If your character played D&D, what sort of character would they make? What would they be like as a player?
  • What sort of video games does/would your character play?
  • Does your character have a favorite smell?
  • What animal best represents your character? (If they are an animal, try finding a different species that represents them!)
  • How would your character deal with being falsely accused of a crime?
  • Is your character a cat person or a dog person?
  • Is there anything about their physical appearance that your character is self-conscious about?
  • Does your character consider themself a good person?
  • Does your character use social media? What platforms do they use? (Or if social media isn’t a thing, would they in a modern AU?)
  • Does your character believe in love at first sight?
  • Is your character coordinated? How well do they catch things?
  • Has your character ever saved someone’s life?
  • Does your character have any biases for or against certain types of people in their world? (i.e. specific races, nationalities, employments, etc.)
  • What is your character’s opinion on nobility or other such people born into power?
  • What is your character's opinion on their current government? Do they support their politicians?
  • What is most important to your character: health, wealth, or happiness?
  • Who is your character the most envious of? What are they envious about?
  • What colors are associated with your character?
  • Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos? 
  • How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Are they a natural leader or follower?
  • How does your character imagine they will die?
  • Does your character ever want to marry and/or have children?
  • What is your character’s mother like? How is their relationship?
  • If your character knew they were going to die in a month, how would they spend the rest of their life?
  • Where does your character see themself in 20 years?
  • What television/book/video game character would your character be best friends with?
  • Is your character willing to risk the well-being of others in order to achieve their goal?
  • Who in your character’s friend group/party would they prioritize rescuing in dire circumstances?
  • What decision would your character’s best friend have to make in order for your character to no longer support them?
  • What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
  • For fantasy characters: What stereotypical role would your character play in a high school AU/if they attended a normal high school? (Nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc.) For non-fantasy characters: What classic fantasy species would your character be? (Elf, dwarf, fairy, etc.)
  • How generous is your character towards their friends? How generous are they towards strangers?
  • What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
  • How would your character respond if their best friend confessed their love for them?