


3 years, 26 days ago

Basic Info



















(Work in progress)

Sinder  was first created as my fursona sometime in 2015/2016. She is  represented as me in real life, she is also used for venting. 

Back Story

Sinder started out in a rough neighborhood with her parents, she went to a catholic public school where she gotten bullied badly. Here sinder started learning how to draw. Then at the age of 10 her parents separated which her and her father moved to a farm 3 hours outside the city which she lived on until the age of 13. She developed a strong passion for farming and livestock, always looked forward to helping her grandfather with chores. 

She moved across the country with her father and new step mother. She would draw a lot more and took in an interest reading short novels to help her escape her growing depression. After years of abuse from her step mother and many suicide attempts Sinder decided to run away and live with her uncle at age 16, which her father and step mother moved back to the farm across the country. 
Sinder started opening up from her shell and developing more interests, she learned to love anime, dark room photography, painting and taught herself how to bake and cook. In grade 10 Sinder met her best friend Topaz who she grew a very strong bond with.

after graduating highschool sinder started a tattoo apprenticeship as well as working as a barista in a cafe. Which during this time her 5 year long neglectful boyfriend broken up with her, after this she moved in with her best friend. She went through abusive relationship to abusive relationship until Topaz brought over their DnD group for a session. Thats when Sinder met Asher for the first time.

Sinder and Asher grew very close due to sharing many interests and having a similar mindset, eventually they started dating in 2019. Being in a healthy relationship was very foreign to Sinder and was quite the learning curve trying to over come her defensive mechanisms. Topaz got a new job opportunity across the country, Sinder was very supportive and decided move in with Asher to keep her career as a tattoo artist.

Which she then gives up due to work place harassment. Afterwards she jumps from printing shirts at a T-shirt printing shop, to working in a deli at a grocery store, to now working in a retro video game store. During all this Asher has been supportive of her.

Sinder is still trying to find a job she truly loves, she hopes to start her own online store one day or become a photographer or even a farmer, maybe even all the above. But shes learning what happiness is along the way and making sure to put time away for the little enjoyments in life like camping, visiting friends and family, playing video games and watching a ton of anime. Sinder has been very thankful to have Asher and Topaz by her side and teaching her love.

She  is often seen as a grumpy girl but is very much a squish bean. She  laughs things off as a way of coping, or she stays silent to avoid conflict. Sinder had a rough start at life but tries her best to not let that determine her future. She's quite quiet but rambles when  nervous. Her favorite way to pass time is to watch a good horror movie or anime, play video games or going on a random adventure.
"these snauzz berries taste like snauzz berries"

Design Notes

  • Has 8 piercings (2 left ear, 1 right ear. snake bites, bridge. nips)
  • Diagnosed with depression, ptsd, & bipolar syndrome. added spice of chaotic nature
  • small "star" spot between eyebrows
  • emo punk style. plus gremlin mode
  • Canadian


  • Likes- Traveling, Autumn, Energy Drinks, Rain, Storms, Being Alone, Coffee & Tea, Pasta, Poutine, Horror & Spooky Things, Stars, Video Games,  Rocks, Sweaters, Sushi & Ramen, The Cold, Forest Biome, Cooking, Oddities, Anime & Manga, Different Cultures, Foraging, Drawing & Crafts
  •  Dislikes- Crowds, Loud Sounds, Pineapples, Orange Juice, Being Touched,  Amusement Parks, Conflicts, Doing Dishes, Cleaning Other's Messes, Asking For Something, Stew, Hot Weather, Corn Being Mixed Into Other Food, People\Children, Most Country & Pop Music, Raw Onion

  • Movie- Zombieland
  • Anime/Manga- Gangsta & Death Note
  • Cartoon- Gravity Falls
  • Band Currently- Ice Nine Kills 
  • Color- Royal Blue
  • Color Pallet- Blue, Green, Yellow
    Video Game- Sly 2 PS2
  • Tea- Earl Grey Vanilla