


3 years, 2 months ago


name; wolf’leap

gender; tom 

age; 32

sexuality; pansexual

rank; warrior 

personality; wolf’leap is very calm and stoic, usually keeping to himself and usually never speaking unless he was spoken to first. he is an observer, ears perked at all times to catch the words of the latest drama or various information from his clanmates. many cats forget he’s there, which he doesn’t mind at all. he prefers to be helpful where he can, often offering to help the medicine cats with their chores or fetching things for them in the forest. he is extremely loyal, and despite keeping himself well under control, if you mess with a loved one of his he will lose every ounce of self control. though he is very patient, and it takes a lot to get on his nerves and bad side. wolf’leap is also very intuitive, as has received a number of dreams that have been questioned as prophecies. 

description; despite being a tad forgettable in the clan, wolf’leap is a prized warrior. he is lean, yet quite large. his frame is extremely muscular, and he is very strong and swift. he is certainly a threat within battles, but he likes keeping that information less known. he is an excellent climber, effortlessly bounding up trees and snagging birds and squirrels. 


-brother: hound’jaw