Caitrín Keegan



3 years, 2 months ago


Made in 2021.

DND Character who is a Tiefling Redeemed Cultist. In this DND campaign, it was surrounded with Greek Gods to make her background make sense.

 Caitrin was birthed into a Cultist family, one that worships Hades specifically. This cult has a huge following compare to most, as her father is the cult leader. They're known as to be Chthonic, which tends to want sacrifices from your body or even your life. To do this, they would manipulate for new followers, raid villages for new sacrafices, and even give out drugs to influence them into thinking Hades as their only God. Caitrin was suppose to be the new cult leader, one of her final ways to show she was worthy is to sacrifice her own sister; who actually allowed it to happen to appease Hades. Caitrin put her down with her own axe, however, this broke her. Did her family even realize they were losing their own close relative? Did they even care, did they care for Hades more than their own relative? It then lead to thoughts of "I killed Innocent people.", " I used people like pawns". She then left her village and cult that very night, no message or goodbye. Once she did, she has been a target but own to be taken back in person. They assume she was "Overwhelmed" by the huge decision of sacrifice, that she needed time to take in her glorious choice for Hades. She now goes by a new identity but hides every tattoo she had symbolizing the cult. She has them on her back, and arms/hands, as they're all covered by her hair, clothing, and even bandages. She still have difficult breaking habits and thoughts she had once in the cult, because if she ever saw Hades face to face- she knows she'd be heavily conflicted.