Nemesis Henderson



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Nemesis Henderson

Gender: Female (transgender)

Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual

Relationship: In a queerplatonic relationship with Meredith

Species: Human

Age: 23

Birthday: December 8th

Personality: Nemesis is a punk woman who is into playing bass, but likes to dabble in other instruments and has skills also with playing piano and violin. Nemesis is the most emotionally mature one in her friend group, staying cool in incredibly stressful situations, but she hates making others feel like she is dependent on them and unable to support herself, stemming from a dislike of feeling helpless. She also can pack a punch and tends to bring a bat or something to hit things with when going on monster hunting outings, as she finds the monster hunting really cool. She can sometimes be reckless and put herself in danger for her friends sake. Relationships are hard for Nemesis and have taken her years to learn to open herself up to trust people again, but she still immediately distrusts anyone who tries to convince her to trust them with zero backing as to why.

Story: Nemesis is from Misoula, Montana. A horrible incident with some ex-friends led her father to take a job teaching at Winchester College of the Creative Arts in Aria, West Virginia. She met Meredith at a gas station on a rainy day and the two have been close since. Nemesis became friends with Joel, Ingrid, and Pacific through Meredith.