
Biological Overview

Age: 17

Nickname: Lazer Runner

Relatives: Unseen Aunt


Physical description

Gender: female

Height: 3'5

Weight : (Secret)

Fur: Tawny, White, Black, pale  yellow

Eyes: Cyan


Alignment and Character traits

Alignment: Good

Affiliations:  Team Wisps,  Sprinters Mill Racers

Favorite food: Pasta (Spaghetti)

Likes: Racing, Competition, Fine cuisine, Team Wisps, Festivals, Moving round, Cyan Wisps

Dislikes:  unsportsmanlike behavior, Eggman empire, claustrophobic Spaces, War


Powers and Abilities

Skills: Enhanced Speed, Reflexes, Endurance, agility, flexibility.  Advanced Senses,  Hyper go on user, Cyan Wisp User

Ability type: Speed/Flight



Glint The Cheetah is a Champion racer for her Home town of Sprinters Mill. With her Charming personality and Unbelievable Speed, many considered her to be Second only to the World Hero Sonic The Hedgehog.

However once she saw the world around her tumbling around her thanks to the Many Villains out there, She wanted to take up the fight and use her speed for more then just Sport. Once she joined the resistance she was partnered with the Wisp that best suited her, the Cyan Wisp, Fast, Scatterbrained and headstrong.

Now she has another challenge she must try to overcome, working with a Team.


Character belongs to me Don't Trace or Steal it Repost my art.