
3 years, 1 month ago


Reyne Hayes

Called Reyne

Gender Bigender

Pronouns he/she

Sexuality Gay, asexual

Age ?

DOB July 3rd

Race Ice arch demon

Ethnicity Scandinavian

Role N/A

Theme All the King's Horses

Pinterest Pinterest

HTML Pinky


"... There's no bother in getting close to me, it'll just be a waste of your time. We won't know each other long, and trying to understand me is going to be too complicated for your simple brain. Tch."



There is a lot to say about Reyne, but so little will be told. He doesn't approach much, motives and mind hidden behind layers that can not be taken down so easily when the ice around his heart has grown too much to be thawed away. Reyne has gone off the grid, any contact to him vanishing twelve years ago as she took Elaine across the world for unknown reasons. Even as she dropped Elaine off her at ex-husband's house, he is yet to be seen. What is he doing? Why?


His moves could be considered self-destructive, and that's a simple term to describe it. But it seems that to all he is doing, there is a reason, just because it means isolation does not mean it's foolish. The world is a futile place.


Height 154cm + 7cm heels

Build Petite

Eyes Ice blue

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color White + blue/ white streaks

Hair Style Half up half down

Demeanor Aloof


  • Tends to wear very formal clothing, usually pants with a long skirt over it.
  • Wears cozy clothes and won't show huge parts of her skin so; sleeves or gloves, socks or pants.
  • Hair is layered and spiky.
  • His eyelashes are white.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

As cold as the ice he commands, Reyne is closed off, now more than ever. He's misanthropic, not caring to deal his duties with humans, thinking that humanity is too inconsistent, too despicable to be considered anything near beautiful, conservative to it all. Despite it, she's pragmatic and logical, few to make mistakes, always thinking to make the best decisions, only callous to make decisions considered premature. He's too prideful to admit his actions, closing it all off instead. Under it all, he is a product of a system that it so difficult to escape.



Ice skating

Reyne has only a few hobbies, ice skating being one of them. She is graceful with incredible balance and skill that helps her spin and jump like a professional figure skater.


Although he is inconsiderate to others, he puts a lot of thought in his clothing to appear presentable and regal. She isn't one for casual clothes or wearing anything perverse. Even if Reyne arrives somewhere boiling hot, she won't feel it and will still wear conservative clothes because that's what she likes.




Closest friend

Reyne's closest companion and the one he would trust with everything, being one of the only people he kept in consistent contact with in his travels with Elaine. Reyne treats Marina as if she was her own daughter---admittedly treating her better than her actual daughters. He feels a need to protect her, but also trusts her as an equal, proud but bittersweet to see how they've grown.

"Marina is the only person I can trust in this cursed world. She does not hate me even though she should, she does not hate anyway. Why? How could one not hate this world? Maybe it's guilt I feel that this is how it will end."




Reyne's eldest daughter who he has taken across the world for unknown reasons, but something that surpasses casual travelling. She is tough on her as a mentor, not waiting for any silly business, but is not callous enough to not teach her something as humble as ice skating. Reyne is distant to her, just teaching her and not trying hard to act as motherly as she should.

"She is strong and faring well for her youth. She has acquied superior talent and will continue to grow, as intended. She is lonely, but she is independant and can take care of herself."




Reyne's youngest daughter and one she doesn't keep in contact with. Ever since Reyne left with Elaine, she didn't keep in contact with Odette. But cold as she is, she's not disheartened enough to think about her on occassion, only to push away her thoughts to prevent any trickling emotions---guilt, maybe.

"I don't know what she's getting up to. I can only think her to be okay. She hates me, certainly, and there's not much to forgive for it."





"..." *There is something in his eyes that unsettle you. A deep seething acrimony... dread, maybe.*

