Kastor Highbush


Basic Info


Kastor Highbrush


Short Haired Lion




Prize Fighter

Fighting Style:



Ever since Kastor was a cub he wanted to become a professional fighter. To fight in arenas and to hear the roar of fans was all he strived for. The main problem with him is that he is very lax and lazy to a fault. Often frustrating his competition by focusing entirely on punishing his opponents either through reversing their trash talk or their moves. His entire fighting style revolves around observing and dodging. Putting his hands in his pockets or sometimes even behind his back while dodging his opponents strikes. Forcing his opponent to tire out where he can then unleash the ferocity of his lion heritage. His style revolves around hard countering his opponents moves and if the opponent doesn't make a move or just waits for him to make a move he will just give up out of laziness. No point wasting his time if no move will be made. He is popular with the ladies and has sometimes been referred to as the Blueberry Stud. However, he may attract the women but he's terrible once he's got one. His laziness bores those who get near him and it is clear what he has on his mind most of the time. He's a fighter and the next opponent is all that matters to him.