


7 years, 3 days ago



★ Name:: Kaveh

★ Nick Names:: Papa Floof

★ Gender:: Male

★ Appears:: 20s -30s

★ Actual Age:: Unknown

★ Date of Birth:: June 27

★ Height:: 6'8''

★ Personality:: Nurturing, Protective, Calm, Kaveh is the mom friend basically 

★ Preference:: Homosexual 

★ Relationship Status:: Mates with Hush

★Detailed:: Kaveh is a Changeling (MLP Universe) Very in touch with his femine side and enjoys makeup, styling hair and clothes. Has the ability to change forms, to people he has seen or make his own appearances such as his own form he takes. Hides his changeling form from others out of fear. Feeds off of emotions, however he can consume food, which he will do when supporting Tibbit. 

The Watcher, God of Change, Autumn and changing of the seasons, Kaveh uses his Watcher abilities to keep an eye over the realm. When "observing" Kaveh will side in one spot, sometimes stand, and turn his head every few moments in a different direction. Referred to as the Papa of the Gods; he is considered to be the Father of Creation, the Aurora. Unlike Hush, Kaveh allows others to be aware of his god status and is actually recognizable unlike Collins who is still known by some but not everyone exactly. Kaveh is also the Overseer of love and and emotions, people leave him offerings of flowers usually purple like lavender for emotional stability and for love. In fall is when citizen celebrate and seek out a partner, much like Valentine's for humans but in the fall.  

Kaveh works with his mate to bond souls to a body. Hush will bring Kaveh a soul whom Kaveh will attach to a new body about to be born. This is how reincarnation works on Rem. He also acts as the voice of reason for the other Gods. 

Kaveh has a twin brother named Dasher whom he's slowly teaching him social manners. 

★ Hobbies:: Besides being a papa, he enjoys makeup and fashion. He's a very good painter. 

★ Skills:: 

★ History:: Born as a Warrior class Changeling, Kaveh and his brother lived within the hive for most of their young life, only venturing outside on a few occasions. Kaveh loved the world beyond the colony and the people who lived there. He enjoyed fashion and makeup in particular. When he was a teenager he began to leave the hive on his own and would disguise himself so he may wonder among the people. He was far more social than his brother and learned social etiquette. 

Kaveh was still a changeling and he needed to feed off of emotion. He actually met Hush when he disguised himself as Asher but Hush managed to smell the difference. Hush didn't drive Kaveh off but instead befriended him and later Ivory just accepted him into the mob. Kaveh quickly took on a parental role and became mates with Hush. 

Kaveh's reproductive cycle didn't really sync up with Hush's short window of fertility, so the two discussed some options and ultimately led to Kaveh "adopting" Tibbit. Kaveh's parental instincts were strong and Tibbit fulfills Kaveh's need to parent. 

★ Bad Habits, or Specific Traits:: Somewhat overprotective. Primal Changeling instints come out sometimes as well. 

★ Legend:: 

★ Theme Songs:: Solitary Experiments by Immortal and Phönix by Frozen Plasma 

★ Extra:: Kaveh is named after a meerkat from the JaXX Mob (I know I like meerkats too much) name Kazeh whom's brother was named Ash. Slightly misspelled name but it stuck so it cool c: