Halloween's Comments

| background attraction/ character |

|| is in NO way related, kin, or associated with the main cast||

||| Normally keeps to herself |||

- Disney Basics -

Name : Halloween

Species: Cat

Type: Stitch Plush

- Side Information -

Gender - Female

Age - Currently unknown

-  Location -

Discovery Island

- DI Status -

Abandoned / none functioning

-- Current Purpose : Unknown --

Once an attraction aimed toward people of all kind, Discovery shut its walls and became abandoned. 

 'Hallow Caves'

Hallow caves, named after Halloweens 'pumpkin' theme, is a walk threw "show"!

Located in magic kingdom-

The show itself is most visited in the fall seasons.

It lasted 5 years before closing its paths for good,,

never to open again.

Halloween's Day-view

First shown back in the 1990's. Halloween was interdicted by an animated short.

As 'not-so-star' Hall grew in fam from this, she was made real.

By being real, 'Hallow Cave' became a thing. Not lasting long sadly.

After its closing Halloween was moved to 'Discovery Island' to be a guide.

guiding the visitors around the many uncommon animal exhibits.

Last visit

After 'Animal Kingdom' was added, the animals were moved, the walls were closed-

Of course, the visitors no longer needed guides as it was now a free-roam park.

There was no need for Halloween and the other side accounts placed in the park.

Soon the old island became abandoned,

never visited again,,

lost from the minds of those who once knew it as an "Animal view paradise"....


they thought.

-- Some where in Orlando, FL --

A Male (around) 18 years old is sitting on a couch, another (19 year old), laying on the floor.

the 18 looking at a laptop. While 19 is, uneventfully, watching SYFI.

18 Searching for something fun, when-

"hay... Man,, Want a to go Urbexing?.."
"why whats that?"
"Its exploring a place,, illegally. and-"
"Have you ever wanted to go to.. I don't know... an abandoned Disney park?"

**To be continued(?)**


crappy add in. still who tf cares..

let it be known after the 'Current Purpose -- unknown' starts the story.
as I dont believe the story will take off for... many.. purposes, it kicks off with backgrounds of the
main side character POV.
Halloween's isn't the main POV,
18 is, 19's will be uncommon. ^-^

18 is a White, tan, brown headed teen. His currently in HS
19 is a Tan, Mix, black headed teen. His currently a HS dropout.

|| RIVER COUNTRY + DISCOVERY ISLAND are real abandoned Disney owned properties. ||

||| Done believe? search it yourself.. they are both located in  Orlando, Florida near the Disney camping grounds |||