


7 years, 3 months ago


Sachin is an albino Hyper


★ Name:: Sachin (I need to give him a last name)

★ Nick Names::

★ Gender:: Male

★ Appears:: 18 - 20

★ Actual Age:: 17

★ Date of Birth:: April 11

★ Height:: 6'5''

★ Personality:: Soiled brat, stubborn, Sachin appears aloof most of the time; lost in his own little world. Normally fairly friendly but can be skittish and will spook easily in unfamiliar surroundings. Doesn't like to be left alone with new people he doesn't know yet. Generally happy go lucky and will chatter most of the time. When he doesn't get his way he will get fussy. 

★ Preference:: Not eniterly sure

★ Relationship Status:: Single

★Detailed::Sachin was born with oculocutaneous albinism, lack of melanin in the eyes, hair and skin. Because he lacks pigment, he survive from photophobia (Light sensitivity) and is known to squint a lot while outdoors or in bright light. He sometimes will close his eyes as well. He'll avoid bright lights as much as possible. While indoors or in low light, he tends to stare, and will tilt or cock his head to hear better. Sachin has vision problems, he is legally blind, however he can make out shapes and can see shadows. he relies on his other senses to perceive the world around him. Sachin has very bad posture and slouches a lot. He tends to be hunched over because he is avoiding the light. He doesn't talk much, although he can, he communicate with noises and body language. He is know for when he doesn't like something he will shriek very loudly. He is capable of cognitive thinking to a degree but runs off of instinct most of the time, or seems to be.

God of Dreams and Winter; Sachin is the Dream Walker. He protects and guide people in their dreams and where they need to go or be. Bringer of Winter; Sachin takes the form of a White Stage usually with spiders and ice crystals in his antlers. Sachin will also take the form of a white Wendigo in Nightmares and that form is consider a bad omen. Like Hush, Sachin has a ten year cycle, he will freeze himself in ice for a few weeks until he emerges, his hyper marking reset. 

★ Hobbies:: Finger paint, horse riding and sleeping

★ Skills:: He has a heighten sense of hearing and smell, echolocation with his Hyper clicks, excellent tracker, difficult to hide from him. Sachin can read braille

★ History:: Sachin was born in Chester England on April 11. He was born with albinism and always had poor eyesight. His family was semi wealthy so he was well cared for with his condition. He spend most of his time at home, was home schooled, however despite being light sensitive, he did enjoy outings. He would venture around his family's farm and liked to go to the parks with his sister Mahi. He was very fond of visiting the tea and bakeries, because he has a rather strong sweet tooth.

One he was out with his sister riding horse when something when something spooked his horse Corkscrew that sense him running off into the woods separating him from his sister. Sachin fell off when Corkscrew reared up after almost falling into a ravine , however Sachin fell in it himself. Sachin hit his head knocking him out and causing him to suffer from brain damage. Being later in the day, because Sachin had to avoid the light, his sister would take him out riding closer to dusk, he had to spend the night out in the wood with only Corkscrew trotting back and worth for company. No receiving medical care quickly and suffering from hypothermia trigger his body to go into survival mood triggering his Hyperism. Luckily for him, the sounds of Corkscrew lead a rescue crew made of family and friends to him in the morning. Sachin was treated for him intimidate injuries but recovered rather quickly.  

Since then he lived a few months with his family, they kept him hidden and safe, his sister taking it upon herself to keep him safe. Seeing what happened to Sachin as her own fault. Sachin suffered from slight brain damage and became more feral like after becoming a Hyper. He was actually sixteen when he came a Hyper and celebrated his birthday as a Hyper. Shortly after his birthday, Sachin got outside and made his way to the edge of his family's property. He was attracted by a noise which turned out to be another Hyper. He didn't see it coming but he found himself immobile and soon in a foreign vehicle. He was taken to Hampshire far from his home.

Sachin was actually picked up by a wealthy man named Rahul how enjoyed collecting odd things, one of those things were Hypers. His men knew he would love Sachin because he was a rare white Hyper, something that wasn't really seen. Rahul adored Sachin and pampered him. This is wear Sachin required his currently clothing from. He liked Rahul because he fed him sweet things and allowed him to wonder around the house freely. Sachin wasn't an aggressive Hyper and he didn't try to escape. He did miss his family but felt that he was nothing but a burden on them.

★ Bad Habits, or Specific Traits:: Gets cranky when tired or hungy, sometimes will break things by accident. He chews on everything and anything, claws on the walls and furniture to leave his sense; helps him navigate but is damaging, will randomly scream. Sachin has a major sweet tooth, and will sniff out anything he fancies and eat it, even if it doesn't belong to him. 

★ Legend:: 

★ Theme Songs:: 

★ Extra::Sachin is named after a meerkat from the Ewoks Mob (I know I like meerkats too much) Sachin has a major sweet tooth, his favorite thing in the world is cheese cake. He actually dislikes any kinds of toppings like cherry and/or strawberry sauces because they taste fake to him. He prefers his cheese cake plain or with chocolate. Sachin is very fond of music which actually calms him.