❖ Piper



3 years, 2 months ago


A Defective Verdelite that was formed with no knowledge of their purpose.
Β Like any defect, their fate was to be shattered as soon as they were found, but the Verdelite formed in the same batch took pity on Piper and proposed a different use for them to the Elite responsible for their shattering.
Piper got the job of the janitor in their system, cleaning up any mess technical or construction gems leave behind.
Piper wasn't supplied with any tools, and had to re-create their own limb enhancers with scraps from broken, or abandoned technology.
Other gems in the system were dubious of Piper at first but soon grew to appreciate them and the work they do, realizing that it was a task no other gem would take on.

-They have a knack for mechanics, help out with ship management if there are no technical gems available.
-Spends most of their free time tinkering with robonoids.
-Has a relatively strong guardian-like relationship with Vinny, as he was the first gem to give Piper work when they were struggling.
-Chaotic neutral, won't hesitate to help rebelsΒ 
with their weapons or ships if they can get something out of it. [Much to Vinny's discomfort]
-Piper can see the flaws of the empire as well as the flaws of rebellion,Β 
so they don't necessarily stand with either, they're just enjoying life doing their own thing.Β 
-Surprisingly enough, Piper doesn't get too attached to their inventions. They're still a Verdelite, and won't hesitate to blow up a robonoid if it's not functional.
-While Piper's limb enhancers aren't as functional as official Verdelite gear would be, they have a neat gravity/magnetic function, making it easier for Piper to pick items out of their range.
-Nicknamed "Limetka" by Vinny

This character is based on official designs for a ROBLOX game called 'Gem Galaxies'.