
Biological Overview

Age: 60+

Nickname: Alien, Living Gas

Relatives: Unknown

Species: Conceptual/Alien species (Gyros)


Physical description

Gender: Female

Height: 3'10 (Dependable)

Weight : Dependable

Hair: Blue Purple

Skin: Iris Blue, Blue Lotus

Eyes: Indigo (Pupils), Medium lotus Blue (Sclera)


Alignment and Character traits

Alignment: Good

Affiliations: Team Wisp

Favorite food: Space Fruit

Likes: Traveling, Exploring, The Stars, Many Strange Environments, Team Wisps, Wisps, Chao, The Chao Emeralds

Dislikes: Any Signs of Evil across the Universe, Eggman Empire, Dead Galaxies


Powers and Abilities

Skills: Gravitational force Manipulation, gravitational pull, Orbital force Manipulation,  Planet Embodiment, Vacuum generation, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Speed, Flight, Genius level Intelligence, Levitation, Space survivability, hyper go on user, Indigo Wisp user

Ability type: Flight/Technique



The Alien Life Form, known as Orb is a Member of a Very Rare race Called Gyro's. Although information about her species is considered unknown for now, what is known is that they Seem to be Space wanderers who travel to any planet to research and Study.

After Tracking Down the Energy filled Creatures known as Wisps she noticed their Energy Trail leading to Sonic's Planet.  After discovering the Wisp have now made it one of their new colonies she decided to remain on this new world and study the Flora and Fauna

Spending 2 years on the planet in secret she saw the good things this world had to offer as well as the bad , seeing the Deadly Six, The Bandits, the Villain's and even seeing the Horrible man who tried to use her beloved Wisps as Batteries . She made contact with the People of the Planet and asked to help with the fight.

However not many people were comfortable with the Aliens strange Appearance sense the scars of the Black arms still lingered. However  Orb would find acceptance within Team Wisp. Given an Indigo Wisp as a Companion. As She is now continuing To Studying,  in her mind this Worlds Wonders  forever remains Unbounded


Character belongs to me Don't Trace, Steal or Repost my art