
Biological Overview

Age: 18

Nickname: Shocker, Torpedo

Relatives: Unknown

Species: Electric Torpedo ray


Physical description

Gender: Male

Height: 4'1

Weight : 93 lb

Skin: Reno sand, burly wood, Tulip tree, Mustard brown, Colonial white, Pale goldenrod, frost green, Ivory, chalky

Eyes: Ivory


Alignment and Character traits

Alignment: Team Wisps

Affiliations: Good/neutral

Favorite food: Oden and Various Noodle dishes

Likes: Solitude, peace, Noodles, the simple things, Sailing on the open ocean, Team Wisps, Ivory Wisps, 

Dislikes: Pollution, Eggman Empire, Mercenaries,


Powers and Abilities

Skills: Electrokinesis, Enhanced speed, Enhanced swimming, Acrobatics, Agility, lighting bolt mimicry, Bio enhancements

Ability type: Speed, Strength



Volt a Electrician and Combatant for the Resistance.

So far no one knows where he comes from , just one part of the vast ocean or another. What's known is he once enjoyed his life out at sea sailing from place to place. However, seeing the damage the Fat man known as Eggman was doing to the land around him with his oil refineries.

Ray became infuriated that he fought back alone , however a horrible accident occurred at the refinery. His Body was  met with that of Lighting and Chaos energy. After he was saved he was given Implants to control his Massive power levels to risk damage to himself and others.

He was offered a chance to fight back at Eggman Again by Joining Team Wisp With the Ivory Wisp , while his loyalty is dubious at best his drive and Determination to clean up Eggman's mess on his home is what truly Sparks him .


Character belongs to me Don't Trace, Steal or Repost my art