
Biological Overview

Age: 17

Nickname: Nitro Nut, Ms explode everything in site!, Beans Equal

Relatives: Unknown Family

Species: Bombardier Beetle


Physical description

Gender: Female

Height: 3'2

Weight : (None of your beeswax)

Skin: brown red, Bourbon, Chestnut, taupe

Shell: Baltic sea, iridium

Eyes: Black


Alignment and Character traits

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Affiliations: Team Wisps

Favorite food: Sour candy (pop rocks)

Likes: Explosions, Bombs, TNT, Nitro boxes, Bean the Dynamite, Bark The Polar Bear, Fang the Sniper ( Sometimes),  Team Wisps, Black Wisps, causing Trouble, her record , Sour candy, magic tricks

Dislikes: fru fru girly stuff, Fang the Sniper (sometimes) Infinite, Eggman, law enforcement, rules


Powers and Abilities

Skills:  chemical spray, Enhanced durability, enhanced Agility, enhanced dexterity, advanced explosive knowledge, chemical leaves Genius,  Hyper go on user, Black Wisp user, Explosions, Density, Durability, Invulnerability

Ability type: Power, Technique



The Trouble making  Beetle By the Name or Nuke one of the more recent members of the Team.

The only place you'll find info about her is on the news. And off juvenile detentions. A trouble making Girl who came from a rather wealthy family who created, manufacture and design various Demolitions.  She however takes the bombs that are considered duds and in her own words has fun.

Her Ways have led her to numerous councilors and Juvie's. She however is not all bad the explosions she uses  are used to fight off criminal organizations as a vigilante (a Rather chaotic one) She's so we'll equipped with using bombs and TNT that she grew a close friendship with the Likes of the Hooligans

However as she was sentence to trial she was offered a chance to get of of Jail free and she took it ...much to her Excitement her offer was to Join the resistance team Team Wisp as The Black Wisps, She works as the Demolitions expert and Combatant  making every mission go out with a Bang !


Character belongs to me Don't Trace, Steal or Repost my art