Icarus "Waffles/Waffle/Syrup"




Lumiquadais belong to thatcreepyguynextdoor

Age: 16
Species: Lumiquadai (waffles and syrup scented)
Height: 5''5
Element: Earth
Sexuality: Bisexual

Icarus (he answers to 3 nicknames) is a cheerful guy; he's always jumping around and tends to talk loudly and doesn't realize that. Icarus hates sitting still, which is probably why he's so active in all the school sports.
Icarus can come off as obnoxious and immature to others, but he just hates taking things too seriously; if anyone needs to be cheered up, Icarus is the guy to go to. He's also the class clown.
He's best friends with Shaun and he's also good friends with Veni

Fun Fact: He has a comical crush on Sakura

"Bro! Don't say that out loud!"

"How am I gonna tell her how I feel...it's impossible I tell ya."

"Shaun, bro! Help me out!"