


3 years, 2 months ago


- he/him

- old story will be updated

old story: The breeze gently blew around Fern as he glanced at his reflection in the water. He was extraordinary, as they say, and he had a fish bowl for a head. Fern was always self-conscious about how he looked, as he usually was constantly being bullied about his looks.Fern sighed, not caring anyway. He was who he was, it was not like he could morph into a different creature.Fern suddenly felt something tickle his paw that was dipped in the water. He looked down, surprised at the creature who jerked him out of his thoughts. It was a tiny goldfish, looking up him with those miniature eyes.Fern's face softened as he stared down at the creature. He was always surprised whenever he saw goldfish, as their magnificent golden coats amazed him. Yet as he looked on, the goldfish seemed to begin doing circles under his paw.Fern wondered how stupid this fish can be, he could easily slice the goldfish with his claws. But the goldfish didnt stop. It seemed to be pleading almost, repeatedly looking at his head.

Fern gasped, realization hitting him hard. His head was a fish bowl, and the goldfish seemed to want to be in it.No, that's dumb. Why would a fish want to be trapped inside a fish bowl?Fern shook his head and sighed, watching the fish jump over his paws and do circular motions.Fern was starting to get bored and the fish seemed to sense that he was about to leave. Suddenly, the fish swam back down as far as it can go, and it came right back up with a mighty leap!Fern yelped as he felt the fish slap against the water in his head. He never experienced having a fish in his bowl, but somehow, he didnt feel any difference as the fish swam around his head.Fern chuckled slightly, knowing that his gut instinct told him that was the fish wanted. Maybe it was different like him, being bullied for some apparent reason.Whatever it was, they would make a good pair as friends.

new story: