


3 years, 1 month ago


Kat l They/He l Eldritch Cat Demon 

Kat is my main fursona as well as my mascot for social media. He's simply me, but as a cat. I also use him as a way to express and explore my nonbinary identity.

[Brief Summary of his Lore]

       Years ago an eldritch demon fell from space and became stuck on the planet Earth. This being claims his family had banished him due to being an utter disgrace, but in reality he got himself in a "sticky situation" thanks to his stupidity. Now he lives the rest of his days drawing whatever ideas he comes up with inside of his demonic mind. Kat has no internal organs nor bone structure since he is made out of a goo-like substance. This goo contains all the information his body needs to function. Anything he eats is immediately absorbed and extracted of all vital minerals and nutrients to keep his physical form stable. His sense of taste is almost non-existent, so he can eat almost anything such as crystals. Acidic and extremely high temperatures can heavily damage his body, which causes him to dissolve. He's then forced to his spirit form while he waits for his body to reform, which can take weeks to months depending on the severity of the damage. Soon enough he'll be back to his old self again, but may suffer from memory loss. Kat has the ability to shapeshift, but can only effectively shift his face as he never gained control over this ability. He does not want to risk becoming stuck as a small cat or a large horrific demon, so he's content with merely shifting his face to scare people. In his standard form, Kat has a singular left eye and mouth hidden underneath his upper-layer. All other eyes or mouths he forms are simply just illusions. His senses of touch and sound are heightened to alleviate his poor eye sight. The only true way to kill Kat would be if the higher eldritch beings considered him useless, and in-turn permanently erased his existence forever. But who would want to hurt this "pure" and "innocent" eldritch child? Now Kat continues his existence on earth; hiding away from the space whales who chased him into hiding in the first place.