Miho- Prohero [Teacher]



3 years, 1 month ago


Hero name: "Bloodletter"
Quirk: Blood Manipulation

The tabs on her back can be pulled for instant access to bloodflow

She wears big sweaters to hide her rather muscular arms.

She will always rush to someones aid without even thinking of it, it causes her to be a rather “helicopter parent” teacher. She also likes to help the students who are seeming to struggle in making connections. She is constantly checking in on Yun-Yeong and giving her bottles of water to take to her team mates in order to get her to interact with them.

Despite being a timid and rather softhearted woman, she is incredibly protective of her students. When her and Paloma were young, they decided they’d be heroes, which meant giving up any semblance of the lives some women dream of, being mothers, and wives, and having signifigant others. So her students are like her kids. Instead of the students accidentally calling her “Mom” like is so commonly done, she accidentally calls them her kids, and they tease her relentlessly for it.

When it comes to protecting her students though, she is moost like a mother grizzly bear. She wont hesitate to lay waste to any area in order to get her 'kids’ back.

Miho has always been rather quiet and soft spoken, tending to follow Paloma around seeing her as the stronger one, relying on Paloma to build her self esteem back up every time it falters. What she doesnt know is that she has been Paloma’s source of motivation since they were little. Paloma actually sees her as the much stronger of two.

Fun Facts:

-Her personal underling is Winston, this is due to the both of them having quite unweildly quirks that both cause a great deal of pain, she is constantly coaching him in ways to make it easier on himself.

-Out of the two of them, Miho actually has a crazy tolerance for alchohol. Likely because of her quirk and how fast she can circulate it out of her system.

-Her and Paloma go and have beers at the local ramen stall every third friday of the month. Mostly so that Miho can get drunk and get grumpy drunk and talk about how her “kids” wont listen to her and are real nasty to one another. Paloma keeps a video of one such drunken rant, where Miho shakes an old man next to her and slurringly says that shes gunna “beat up all her buttheads in class 1-D”.

-Miho has her own blackmail stock hidden in her teachers apartment at the school, she owns every single issue and interview Paloma did while she was a bratty model in Tokyo. Its a little nest she’s sitting on for a rainy day.

-She decorates the dorms and the doors of the dorms for special occaisions like birthdays, christmas and halloween. She will even stay up late the night before with a beer making decorations and getting together things for their birthdays. Her students are largely from other countries so she feels as though it is her responsibility to not let any of them feel left out.

-Paloma teases her about her frumpy appearance constantly. Poking fun at her baggy clothes and plain taste. She jokingly brings much more attractive office clothes to her at the school but Miho is incredibly embarassed to be wearing showier clothing. Thinking it isnt’ for girls who look plain like her. She thinks likes them better on Paloma.