Prometheus $135



3 years, 5 months ago


Prometheus is a Alpha Kiggaroo (I believe the forest sub-type) and a King Wickerbeast Hybrid.
The Name Prometheus means : "forethought"

Paired with: Draven

Prometheus is very well known for being a very intelligent Kiggaroo/Wickerbeast hybrid. He doesn't do something without thinking it through first and weighing the options of how safe /or dangerous the thing in question is. This is something his mother taught him from a very young age.

Prometheus is quiet known for keeping rare plants and creatures of Alplain, which some that are dangers in the sense of them being poisonous/venomous and it's the same way with the plants. He loves the colors of them and keeps them in a green house outside of his main home. Though others that have watched him will say that he's a master of animals, even beasts alike and the protector of plants.
(((Story behind being master of creatures and beasts of Alplain.)))
----------From a young age Prometheus has had the ability to speak or if you'd like to call it -whispering- to all types of creatures of Alplain. It seemed like every other day he was bring home a new creature to take care of. This is how the passion for keeping rare creatures came into play. He's known to be walking around the village at night with a almost black(a dark grey) and red Waspwolf at his side. No one knows really why the Waspwolf follows him at night, maybe to stock it's prey or maybe it's just wanting and waiting to attack Prometheus. It's a mystery to them.   But you want to know the real reason? Well you see Prometheus actually recused the Waspwolf in question when it was just a young Wasppup, couldn't of been more than a week old. The nest had been destroyed, all pack members were killed except for the one. Prometheus took pity on the Wasppup and took him home.

                    *Prometheus is strictly bi, but he didn't start dating another until he was sixteen. It was the first time he met Draven. He had been walking in the forest on one of the many trails when he came across Draven sitting on a rock looking up at the night sky. The way Prometheus explained in to his mother was that he""Draven"" was really hard to see as his colors and patterns are slightly on the darker side. But he did say that the one thing that stuck out was Draven's eyes, that they seemed to glow a red in the darkness. The only thing Prometheus didn't tell his mother was that the eyes he looked at seemed sad and lonesome, it kind of made him feel sad in that moment. That there wasn't anything he could do for Draven, because as they met each others eyes, Draven jumped from the rock and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.
*The next time Prometheus came face to face with Draven was when they were walking the same path a few weeks later. Draven froze and was about to bolt when Prometheus held out his hand to Draven and smiled. Prometheus knew something in his heart was pulling him to Draven, that he wanted a friendship or maybe something more than that with Draven. Thankfully Draven walked up to him, he was cautious but he took Prometheus's hand and they slowly walked to a park/path bench to sit and talk. And this was an all day thing, Prometheus made Draven laugh and smile alot more than Draven probably did on a normal bases. When Draven left -to many others were starting to walk the path and them starting to stare at him-, Prometheus called out "I will see you again?" and Draven turned and smiled back at him.  
*Their next encounter was a few weeks later when Draven showed up at Prometheus's house, I guess he wanted to surprise him and it was truly a special surprise for Prometheus. Him and Draven walked around the trails talking with each other. Prometheus could sense that something was different about Draven by the way he walked and was talking to him about things. Then out of the blue Draven stopped to look at some beautiful silver and semi pink flowers hanging from one of the many trees, he smiled picking it and turning to Prometheus to put it behind his ear. He blushed and tilted his head, his heart started racing. "Thank you", Prometheus said placing his hand next to his mouth, he definitely couldn't help but to blush even more.
"Of course," Draven replied taking Prometheus's hand and pulling him along to a spot next to a river. He motioned for Prometheus to sit while he made a fire and waded in the river to catch some fish for them to eat for lunch. They must have taken hours to finish all the fish Draven had caught, they had so much fun and by the time Prometheus got home it was well into the night. His mother had waited for him before going to sleep. Prometheus and Draven stood at the front door saying their goodbyes, but it was Draven that had another surprise for Prometheus. He kissed him and as he pulled away asked "will you go out with me?" Prometheus's heart jumped for joy, might have even squeaked out of excitement as he threw his arms around Draven's neck and said kissing him back, "of course. Yes."