


3 years, 18 days ago


Breed: Alaskan malamute/husky mix. More similar in build to a malamute though, it’s hard to tell there is husky in him. His build looks exactly like This for reference. Smaller and less fluffy than a malamute, but stronger and stockier than a husky. Not quite as agile

Gender: male

Personality: very competitive, loyal, sometimes can be arrogant or over confident. Very protective of friends and family. He also occasionally comes off as grumpy or anti social (I blame the rbf) but he’s actually a very laid back, humorous guy once you get to know him. He does have a bit of a short temper and gets exasperated easily. 

Height: 26 inches (at withers)


Bolt- Bolt is Stanley’s brother and best friend. The two are practically inseparable. They are constantly fighting and getting into friendly competitions, each one trying to see who is “better” than the other. Both brothers are extremely competitive and can turn literally anything into a contest. (Like the great “who-can-roll-down-the-cliff-faster tournament of 2018”… it’s best if you don’t ask) Despite their playful banter and frequent challenges, they care about each other more than anything.

Chase- Stanley is Chases “mom friend”. He likes to joke that keeping Chase out of trouble is his full time job. He tries very hard to keep her from doing dumb things, but he often ends up getting caught up into said dumb things. (Like that time she dragged him on an unprecedented “adventure” through the middle of a swamp. On a Wednesday. At 5 in the morning) Even though he has been stuck in several of Chases wild schemes, he remains stubbornly loyal and protective.

Other: I created Stanley the day after the Tampa bay lightning won the Stanley cup (Sept. 30 2020) He started out as just a “celebratory” character, but he quickly became one of my favorites despite his simple design. Fun fact: I was planning on actually giving him a cool, somewhat complex design. But I got lazy and only got his base colors down… quite obviously I never had the motivation to finish him. So he’s just going to stay like this forever hah