Ulra Manuela Eksaul



3 years, 1 month ago


Ulra Manuela Eksaul, AKA, Lady Eksaul, Rot Engel

Early life and pre-war

Ulra was born to noble parents, both having Argainian heritage, parents possessing patriotic attitudes, and fierce loyalty to their homeland. This in turn exposed Ulra to a living sheltered from the wider world, only having an inkling of the outside world from biased news outlets and propaganda. As she grew up, this became more of an interest to her, so under the cover of her title and image, began to feed into her fascinations with the outside in private.

She grew up with the pressure of upholding a military family tradition, where she would, at the age of twelve, enrol in a youth program to train for espionage and recognisance. With financial backing and rigorous enough training, she managed to graduate top of her class. Whilst this was met with great praise, Ulra herself had no interest in pursuing a predetermined life for the Argainian Empire's ideals. Seeking independence, she opted to seek new opportunities in The Federal Sorren Republic, where she founded connections to support herself and a life of voyage and contentments. This was met with great disappointment from her mother and father, but rather than cut ties, they arranged her for marriage into Sorren nobility as a means of compromise. She would stay in the S.R, in return, unionise both their family houses.

Because of the social taboo the Eksaul name presents itself within Argane, the marriage was a hidden affair, although Ulra's side of the family remains sympathetic to the Eksaul's given their once-proud presence in Argane.

At age twenty-three, she went onto marry the only and eldest son of the Eksaul house, Wendell Ekssaul.

While carrying the burdens of married life on her otherwise free-spirited desires, she obliged to her new, even more, luxurious lifestyle in the Eksaul estate. She however, did not share the same affections Wendell initially had for her. Having pried all that she thought of value to her, she cut Wendell off romantically, severing their relationship, leaving him devastated. 

Nobody knows of their turbulent emotional, unofficial separation, and for the time being, pretend otherwise for both their public images and benefit.

Using her title and public perception as a visage, Ulra lives a leisurely life of pleasures of the athletic and sensual kind. She refrains from committing to others, however, only using her usual one-time partners as a means to gain gifts of gratitude, Intel, but more so entirely for fun.

Military Carrer (past)

Concurrently, Ulra has retired from service duty, as a result of an injury she sustained in the field after an operation went south. She was once involved in acts of sexpionage, SOE roles, maintain connections between agents in the profession, and acting as a broker to transport sensitive  information regarding Argainian tactics, blueprints, and operations and MP’S in and out of enemy bounds. Using the training she received back in her compulsory service, newfound interests in surveillance, and employing the gender stereotypes that gave her an advantage, she made a substantial living in the line of duty, whilst not for any sense of doing the country a service, rather just because she enjoyed the thrill of the adventure her work entailed and the respect from her comrades within the same game. 

She was honourably discharged with awards and pay, although she has never been publically recognised for such. Her life as a combatant is a total secret to all outside of the immediate circle she was associated with.

Summary of Current Profession

Ulra is not employed on account of her status and injury, and she is not interested in pursuing a desk or mundane profession, so she lives a life of leisurely delights, coming and going as she please, with who she pleases. Whilst the servants of the Eksaul manor and Wendell alike know of her sexual affairs, they do nothing to intervene or confront her about it. It's within their best interests as members of staff and family reputation to not make a fuss.

But even though she is not officially employed, she still will run "errands" and freelance missions of smaller vain and lesser targets for small pay.

Biology and Abilities

As far as physical ability goes, Ulra is stunted by her still-healing injury, which she sustained to her upper leg. But even so, this does not entirely detract from her abilities, as she is well versed in fighting techniques employed by special ops in Sorren and Argainain militias. Alongside this, she possesses a great arsenal of knowledge regarding poisons, toxins, and methods of poisoning targets. She is extremely confident in her work, to a point where it is always ruled as either accidental death or inconclusive when examined by authorities. She produces her own supply in which she utilises only in situations for either disposing of contacts or partners that threaten her cover or in freelance espionage work. 

The elven race is reputable for is the strange phenomena that she is able to completely shut off the parts of the brain that control feelings of fear or self-preservation. In turn, this means Ulra can exhibit a very cold, unreadable exterior, free from fear, which she does utilise very often. She is a master manipulator when it comes to forming connections, romantically or business-like, so this means of self, detachment comes in handy when not trying to form attachments. It is not full-proof however.

Elves have an unmatched reserve of magical energy within them that makes them well equipped to perform magical incantations. But Ulra has not pursued the magical discipline for her own utilisation, mainly for the fact she has no need for such despite societal pressure to pursue the education of magical arts. She, unlike Wendell, has very a very notable magical aura about her, and can otherwise be very able to conjure casts.


Ulra, as stated above, is manipulative and often closed off to those she has no inherent interest in, usually leaving the scene or keeping to herself if not in the mood to commune. She has a clear dislike especially within Wendell's company and will pretend entirely that he isn't there.

Even if she is emotionally not invested, she will present outwardly often as sweet, kindly, even frail as a cloak as a coverup. All who aren't aqaiunted with her like Wendell is, or her associates, know her to be fair, the golden standard and the envy of many.

She comes across as very regal and proud, which holds up true to her high maintenance appearance and love for her own image.

Self-centred and self-fulfilling, she lives for herself entirely and unapologetically.

But, and to her ultimate worry and confusion, she has, in recent become very infatuated with the likes of High Commander Troren Runestedt. She herself cannot explain why this is. Troren, from what she understands, is not noble, conventionally attractive when compared to her stature, or at all are they suited for one another, but as she has come to be in his presence on occasion when accompanying Wendell on parades, meetings and such, she has had to stifle her almost obsessive admiration for the High Commander, though she masks this very well.

She has made it a slight "hobby" even to try to dig up anything regrading Troren, to subsequent failure, which only adds to the attractive mystery of the High Commander.

Troren knows nothing of this fascination she has towards him, but has felt discomfort in her presence on account of her perfume and overall because of his distrust for the Eksauls as a collective.

Trivia and Other

Ulra's main inspirations hail from characters such as Helga (Atlantis the Lost Empire,) Muffet (Undertale,) Black Widow (Marvel) and Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit,) and "swallows," who historically are female spies trained in the art of sexpionage.

Her nickname is in regards to the fact she always wears one item of red, be it make-up, dress, or shoes.

Ulra's makeup and overall character also is an ode to Grace Shelby from BBC's Peaky Blinders, as well as the famous image of a 1920's flapper girl.

She serves as a secondary antagonist, meaning that all but one Eksaul out of four all pose as a direct threat to protagonists, with the expectation being Valeria Eksaul, Wendell's mother and former wife to Madyke Eksaul.

Since allergic to pollen, being gifted flowers is a pet peeve of hers. Even if the gift doesn't entice an allergic reaction, she just isn't a flower girl.

Madyke and her are fairly well acquainted with each other and professionally think very highly of one another.

She is an avid tea drinker and enthusiast, which also plays into her favourite method of assassination.

She is thirty years old, 5'6, 68 Kilos, with a birthday of 20th March.