


3 years, 19 days ago




A mute kem obsessed with chicks and chickens. He also has a major love for monsters and all familiars alike. He is very introverted and afraid of other kems due to a traumatic accident from when he was a kit. He will usually avoid any kems but has a few close kems in his circle. Has several brothers, all much more out going than he is. Leche is his childhood friend who got him into his chick hoarding. Another kem that he holds dear, and is his biggest obstacle in life, is the love of his life, Asami. A very one-sided love at that.

He is learning to grow as a Kemata. Confident that with the right time and guidance, he can become a kem that he can be proud to be. Tozoku is his rival in love, but he sees a lot of himself inside of Tozoku as well. Is it a long lasting rivalry or could something more come of it?


Neshki grew up in a large and busy family which left him with little love given by his very bubbly and outgoing family. He found solace amongst the creatures most frowned upon in Val-shenn, monsters and beasts. He found that he felt naturally at home with these misunderstood creatures and would often spend days in the wilderness with them. He saw himself as their caretaker and would nurse injured monsters back to health.

Due to his taboo relationship with monsters, many kits bullied him, causing him to recluse and more and more into the outside world of standard civilization. The bullying became worse with time, from name calling, to physical scuffles. Eventually, the bullies would turn towards baby monsters and harm or even kill them on purpose, just so Neshki could find their broken bodies. They would watch while he did all he could to recover their wounds.

One day, a Kemata name Chico moved to their village, he was very unlike the other kems. He had more of a sense of style and pride about him, sporting name brand clothes and burying his scruffy hair under a baseball cap. Neshki felt something different about him, like they were the same in some sense, and would try to befriend him. This started to work at first and the two became quick acquaintances, but the vile bullies would not allow Neshki to have happiness, and tarnished their friendship fast, leading to Neshki receiving his permanent neck scar and losing his voice all together.

But it was not all for not, due to this attack, Neshki discovered his lightning magic, and swore to himself that he would never allow another kemata to harm any of his monster and beast friends. He is not quiet a master of his magic, but he is proficient and confidently accurate in his strikes, keeping kematas away from the forests he calls home. While doing so, he happened upon a kem who wound up injured and begrudingly nursed him back to health, this is how he met Leche, who became his only friend for a while!

Asami also brings along a new kem to the store named Neshki, the mute kem intriques Tatsui and Tatsui takes up learning KSL from him to help make communicating with him easier, plus learning something new is always a bonus for Tatsui! When he finds out about how much Neshki loves Asami, its painful for him to watch her drift to Tozoku as he feels Neshki would be a better partner, but his job in Asami's life is to guard her, not be her match maker. So as always, he obseres from a distance.

Leche stirred a new love in Neshki's heart, chickens and chicks. These soft and dumb creatures softened Neshki's soul and quickly became his favorite animal, he couldn't quite put his paw on why he was so drawn to these docile creatures...Maybe he saw himself in them, or maybe...something he wanted to be?

As he grew older, Neshki learned to tune out the sound of other kematas, seeing them as passing blurs and never giving them the light of day, mostly ignoring any attempts to grab his attention. But one face stood out suddenly, amongst the passing blurs. A beautiful kem with lovely white hair and soft, golden eyes, her: Asami. Had someone this beautiful always existed? How had he never noticed before...? The gentle kem greeted him with a soft smile and "hello" and has since flooded his mind and senses, he becomes dumbfounded when around her and is a little clumbsy. Althought he cannot speak, he does his best to express his love for Asami, always making her smile, doing small errands for her. But most importantly, wiggling his ears back and forth with great effort to sign to her, "I love you more than words could ever express!"

But as cruel as the world is, and always has been, a rival appears. Tozoku, a rough around the edges and scruffy street kem. Neshki cares not for him as Tozoku clearly likes Asami in the same ways as Neshki does. The two are always at eachother's throats, in a non physical way, competing for her love and affection. In the end Tozoku wins, at first, this is hard for Neshki to accept, he grows to hate Tozoku with every fiber of his being, but as time goes on, as it always does, Neshki begins to soften at the kem who he sees himself in. A kemata who is afraid, who is putting up a front, but doesnt bend to life the same way Neshki does. Who isn't afraid to say "Hey world, I'm here, and I have teeth and claws, and I will fight to survive!" Neshki grows to trust Tozoku, and desparately wants to try to befriend him, but will it work out for him?


Chico Childhood Bully

Chico is the cause of Neshki's Muteness. As kits, Neshki tried hard to be friends with Chico as he seemed afraid of things like Nehski was. Unfortunately, this kindness became a weapon between Chico's friends and they told him lies about Neshki. Saying such things as Neshki speakng poorly of Chico, and calling him his least favorite Nickname, Chancey-poo, a name used by his father in a derogatory way. This caused Chico to violently attack Neshki, damaging his wind pipe and voice box for good, preventing the young kit from ever speaking again.

To this day, Chico feels a constant sense of guilt towards the harm he caused to Neshki and constantly attempts to make up for his actions. Neshki wants nothing to do with it, however Tozoku is convincing Neshki to become a stronger Kemata with each passing day, teaching him to overcome his fears and past trauma. Maybe Chico may have a chance at forgiveness, with time.


Asami First Love

Asami is the light of Neshki's life, a kem who opened up the world to him and allowed him to see past his own nose. She is very warm and welcoming to him, and makes him laugh, in what little way that he can. She asked him to help her run her flower shop, Forget-me-nots, which he happily accepted. When she is away for long periods of time, Neshki takes great care of the shop, as if its his own. Asami loves Neshki platonically and hopes he can find love one day. She is aware of his crush on her, but she does not love him the same way, she sees him more like a little brother who needs protecting.

She encourages Neshki to come out of his shell more with other kems and not to hold such a "pouty face" all the time. She also convinces him to befriend Tozoku, always holding a warm and gentle smile as the two grow closer to one

another with each passing day.

Tozoku Rival to Best Friend

At first, Tozoku absolutely HATES Neshki and anything he has to stand for. The fact that a Kem would actually seek comfort from monsters always puzzled Tozoku, but as he matured and calmed as a kem, he came to accept that Neshki really was at peace with creatures that were not Kematas. While the two would scuffle during the war of love for Asami's affection, he grew a small hint of admiration for this cream puff kem's dedication to see a goal through.
While at the shop one day, it being just him and Neshki, an old bully of Neshki's appeared at the shop and started harrassing the kem. Now, Tozoku hates seeing a kem that can't stand up for himself, but more than anything, he hates seeing a kem being backed into a corner by anyone. With a thunderous snarl and some sharp words, the bully ran, tail tucked between his legs. This gave Tozoku the idea to teach Neshki to fight, a fire lit within his heart to bring the best out of this small and weak kemata, but he would not be small and weak for much longer.

During the training, the two build a long lasting bond, knowing that no matter what happens, they will always have eachother. Neshki seems to fill a missing piece of Tozoku's heart that he didnt know was missing to being with. He would kill for Neshki as much as he would kill for Asami.


Leche First Friend

Neshski's first friend and most reliable confidant. Leche learned KSL so he could help translate things for Neshki and help him over come his embarrassment of not being a "normal kem". Leche is very gentle and soft with Neshki but can be firm when Nehski is being hard on himself. He supports Neshki's love for Asami and helps come up with date ideas or gifts that he can give to Asami to show her his love. Also allows Neshki to take care of his chicks and chickens, even letting him take them on adventures with him.

Leche has always been protective of Neshki so when Tozoku came into play, he felt the need to defend Neshki against him. But as he gets to know Tozoku more and more he realizes that the two compliment each other well and he can see the growth Neshki will earn by being friends with the scruffy street kem.

species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He / Him
orientation Bi
demeanour Soft
job Beast Tamer
song info

designed by King-Monhwa
species creator info
purchased from info
value info
trade/resell (yes/no)

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