Antismith Vei



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


20  (Was created with a mentality and physical capability of a 20 year old, but has only lived for 2 years in his own world.)


Scion Puffball


Aelerian Scion, Chosen of Aeleron, Leader of the Survivor's Guild, 2nd Antismith of Aeleron, Member of the Arashi Triad




The night sky, his hat and scarf, clearing his mind, sparring, and watching his guild bond. Also has a deep fondness for cinnamon rolls.


Disrespect, His own powers, Immaturity, Leading, Being called edgy, Explosives, and being mistaken for a villain.


(FYI: Some terms in this bio will have a small number attached to them (e.g. Moon²). This will be done for selective terms that have additional character/world lore to them. These terms will be put in the "Terminology" section of the bio in numerical order and will be explained further in depth there.)


In a galaxy separate from Popstar's own, there exists a waning planet that goes by the name of "Aeleron¹". On this planet, there exists a being of limitless energy that maintains it by controlling all of the planet's time and matter. This being is called the World Clock². Though this almighty Clock is well hidden and has a nigh-unlimited supply of energy to fulfill it's grand task, it is still immobile and completely vulnerable to greedy intruders that manage to locate it. This makes it extremely dependent on protection, as literally anyone is able to absorb all of its power and use it for their own personal benefits, should they know how to harness it. Because of this, the Clock created two sets of three-man syndicates that would ensure it’s safety. The Guardian³ Syndicate, which conditions it's members to stay close to the Clock and focus directly on defending it from any intruders that manage to find it's temple, and the Scion Syndicate, who’s members are created by the Clock itself to roam the land and take a more frontal approach in order to protect the Clock if ever needed. Vei is one of these Scions. Although he remains rather indifferent of his status and of the Clock itself, Vei would still go on to fight against anyone who would threaten the peace of Aeleron with his own 10-man team, the Survivors’ Guild.


Vei is a caring, but no-nonsense type of leader. He is sensible and focused with just about any task that is put in front of him, but he is also introverted, very conflicted, and can be slightly assertive and moody at times. Although he cares very deeply for all of the members of his guild, he does not interact with them often. This is because of his main concern that a strong enough bond with them could be exploited by the main antagonist, who is used to using others' relationships with friends/family and turning those relationships into weaknesses. Due to his frequent absences and other reasons, Vei does not believe that he is leader material in the slightest, much to his guild's disagreement. When not working or dealing with his guild however, Vei can usually be found taking walks to clear his head, or resting in areas with a great view and a silent atmosphere. Though he cares little about anyone or anything other than his guild members and whatever task he's focusing on, he does enjoy the company of others who can put up a good spar, as well as those that can at least somewhat relate with him and his issues. (He may also open up a rare soft spot to those who give him a cinnamon roll!) On the other hand, if he is provoked enough with any of this main dislikes, it will lead him to attacking the would be provoker out of frustration and vexation. 


In battle, Vei is very cautious and composed, as he believes any mistake can prove as one's last in a fight. He fights in his own style called "Harm's Way", which conditions him to punish an opponent's mistakes with attacks that inflict grave pain to both their body and mind to hinder their fighting prowess and focus. Vei often endorses this style by using some of his abilities and creations with this effect such as his Severance Scarf and Antiflames. (More on these abilities below.) As Vei's style maily focuses on causing injury to the opponent however, he does not carry much destructive capability under his belt. He also possesses a lack of defensive abilities and endurance, as his power is meant for pure offense and even acts as a double edged sword to Vei, much to his digression.

Overall,  Vei lacks endurance, defensive abilities and destructive capability, but he makes up for it with his cautiousness in battle, diverse attack variety, and quick thinking to make it difficult for his opponents to adapt to him.


Vei has the uncanny ability to harness the “negative will” of Aeleron's deceased soldiers and weaponize it by making various creations out of it. To explain, a year before Vei was created, there was a war of two sides that fought for the power of the World Clock shortly after the planet and it's population was created. The aftermath of this war was devastating to the land, and there were many soldiers who lost their lives. However, even though all of their bodies had disappeared after the war, their indignant and remorseful will still remained behind in the form of raw, treacherous aura due to being far too strong to simply disappear just as their hosts did. This hateful Will was corrupted by all of the emotions one would feel in a war, such as hate, loss, and guilt. The disastrous event the this will caused would later be dubbed "The Conflagration."

In an effort to stop the Conflagration from overflowing and spreading over Aeleron, the Clock created Vei in order to harness and take control of a great portion of it, cleansing the planet of the negative will and it's effects. With the Conflagration, Vei is able to create a variety of different tools to use in combat, thus granting him the title of “Antismith”. Though Vei is very skilled with his use of the willpower however, it proves just as dangerous to him as it does to his opponents. This is because all of the Conflagration's willpower is VERY corruptive. Each time an opponent is hit by any of Vei's Will-creations, the Will that stems from them attempts to terrorize their minds with gruesome and unnerving scenes of war with each attack that is landed. The Will does have a harder time terrorizing those with a strong mind/spirit of their own, however. On the other hand, Vei often experiences random surges of pain and headaches both inside and outside of battle due to his Will constantly attempting to corrupt his OWN mind. This proves to be a challenge for him to fight against as well, being that Vei's own mind is full of confliction and doubt thus making him rather vulnerable to his own power. 

Below are Vei’s main creations and abilities that he uses:

Severance Scarf:


Vei's main weapon of choice for melee combat. The Severance Scarf is a lavender colored scarf made out of condensed Will that Vei keeps on him at nearly all times. Vei keeps it on his back and controls its actions by linking it with his mind, but he can only control it if the scarf is actually on him. On one note, if an opponent's strength is stronger than Vei's focus, they can physically remove the scarf and destroy it. Though Vei can indeed make another one, doing so requires a great amount of time, just as all of his creations that are damaged/destroyed do. In a battle, Vei attacks with this special scarf by willing it to greatly sharpen and split itself to act as a series of blades and barbs. The scarf's blades can also extend a fair distance to make it easier to reach opponents.  The main attacks and skills that the scarf is able to execute are:

Rising Saw: An upward flap of the scarf that slashes an opponent upwards.

Spin Sever: Vei turns to his side and corkscrews his body into the air near an opponent to slash them with the entire scarf. Multiple spins can also be chained together.

Mutilation: Vei splits his scarf into individual blades and extends them to rapidly slice an opponent in front of him.

Rolling Barbs: Vei covers his entire body with his scarf and executes an airborne spindash type of move.

Spiked Guard: Vei's only defensive move. Vei extends his scarf and covers the front of his body with it. After concealing himself, Vei wills the scarf to grow multiple spines all over it, which are sturdy enough to deflect weaker projectiles and will also harm those that attack them with body attacks such as punches and kicks. The pain from attacking the barbed scarf with a bare fist can be described as "punching a cactus". The scarf is unable to guard against more powerful attacks, however, and is also not effective guarding against heavy hitting weapons.



The only one of Vei's creations that is not forged of his collected Will (A.K.A. the only Scion ability Vei is aware of that he knows how to use.) Falses are special, slightly transparent clones of Vei that are forged from his own aura. While these clones are intangible and unaffected by enemy attacks, they only last for a few seconds (2-3 secs at best), and are also under a small cooldown in between uses. He can summon these clones almost instantly, and they can be used in various ways. Vei mainly uses his Falses to follow up his attacks or break light combos from others, but he can also use them to throw Vei a solid distance or to intercept projectiles. These clones require a great deal of focus however, and Vei cannot summon them if he is being hit by strong attacks or if his focus is being tampered with.



Vei’s “material” for creating objects and his preferred element for attacking. Vei prefers morphing the Will that he controls into a type of flame, called Antiflames. Due to being completely made of Will, these flames have different properties from normal fire. Instead of physically burning a character's body like most other flames do, Antiflames target and burn a character's mind when it comes into contact. More specifically, Antiflames attempt to terrorize an opponent by burning dreaded and spiteful thoughts into them when they connect. Depending on how strong a character's will is though, or how used/resistant they are to being terrorized, they can be hit and go through the flames without much issue, or even nullify their effects entirely if their will is strong enough.

Some of the forms and ways that Vei usually uses the Antiflames are:

-Enchanting his punches and kicks, or even his entire body with them.

-Boosting his movement by using them to hover or slide around.

-Firing them as fireballs, waves on the ground, small embers or intense flares.

-Nullifying weaker, normal flames with them.

Due to the negative Will he commands existing in such an enormous amount, Vei cannot actually store it directly into his body, as doing so would likely terrorize him. This is why Vei was given the ability to create his own small pocket realm where he could store all of it.

Vei draws all of the will he uses directly from this realm and it is also where his creations are made and kept. One could call this realm his armory or “Smith Shop”. Vei can create up to 2 portals to access this realm, but they could also be used to transport himself, objects, or projectiles short distances.

This realm is far from perfect however. Although Vei can transport people and projectiles through these portals, there are some things he cannot keep in his realm. If he were to try and banish someone with a powerful enough aura, they could escape the realm by flaring that aura up. This would create an energy influx inside of the realm and destroy it, as it is only meant to house negative Will. This also applies to strong enough explosives if they are used inside of the realm. If the realm is destroyed, Vei cannot use any of his creations, and will need plenty of time to recreate the realm.


Another sentient ability that Vei possesses are his Summons. Vei possesses 3 emotionless summons he can call into battle that all specialize in different roles. Though unlike his Falses and Antiflames, these Summons cannot be brought into battle instantly and must be brought from the Antirealm through portals. The Summons themselves are also VERY weak vitality-wise, and can be brought down with nothing but a few punches from opponents.

Beast Summon: Focuses on pure offense with animal instincts. It worries little about defending itself and will attack opponents relentlessly with quick barrages of claw strikes. Also has a keen sense of smell!


Hunter Summon: Supports Vei from a distance. Wielding two ray guns that fire bullets of condensed Will, it focuses on disrupting enemy movement by shooting the ground or air around them. The shots it fires do very little damage, but it’s trusty search visor allows it to almost always hit it’s mark.


Knight Summon: Vei’s best summon. The Knight Summon attacks in unison with Vei with a sword to overwhelm an opponent. This summon also has a bit more vitality than the other summons, and can propel itself through the air like a jet by releasing Antiflames behind it.



-Vei’s last-resort weapon if all else fails. Prisma is a crimson, double-edged shortsword that has the ability to seal an opponent’s aura and render it unusable for the length of a battle. Upon Prisma’s activation, a counter of 10 will appear above the opponent. For each slash that Vei gets with Prisma after the counter appears, the counter will go down by one. If the counter reaches zero (a.k.a Vei gets 10 slashes) the opponent will be successfully sealed. If sealed, an opponent cannot generate or use aura for any attacks that would require it, rendering them only able to use physical attacks or weapons. Though Prisma is a very dangerous weapon, it is just as difficult to control. This is because it is the only weapon in Vei’s arsenal that is not his creation, and relies on Vei’s own aura, which he is not used to using in the slightest. Vei cannot perform rapid sword swings or combos with Prisma despite it's low mass because of this, so managing to get the seal proves rather difficult for him. Vei must also get the seal within 5 minutes after Prisma’s activation, or the seal will fail and he will be unable to attempt it again for the rest of the fight. On top of this, Prisma cannot inflict any physical damage whatsoever, and targets the opponent’s aura directly. It can still clash with other weapons, however. Vei doesn't use Prisma nearly as often as his other abilities, and finds himself only using it against opponents with an insane amount of aura that can easily overwhelm him.

Soul Boosting:

Soul Boosting is a technique that exists within all of the Survivor's Guild members. When casting or executing a technique, the members can bring forth their very soul to fuel the attack and strengthen it's effects threefold. When using Soul Boost, the user's body flares up and reveals a symbol that represents their soul. It can only be used a limited amount of times however, as using it too much can cause extreme exhaustion and even shorten the user's lifespan if overused.


"Each time you engage in a fight, there will always be two battles being fought. The physical and the mental. If you let up in either one, it'll be the end of it all."

"Just what could I protect with such ruinous strength…?"

"Me, an edgelord? You're testing your life with those words…"

"I'll send you packin' in no time." 


1. Aeleron: A lone, small planet within it's own separate universe. Like Popstar (the main planet in which Kirby lives), Aeleron is inhabited by many types of Kirby-esque creatures. Aeleron itself however, functions very differently than Popstar. One such way is that Aeleron has many different timelines or "generations". These generations of Aeleron can be very universally diverse from each other and last around a century, as World Clocks that power the planet also only last this amount of time. 


Additionally, at the end of each generation, Aeleron is "reset". In other words, the planet must be deconstructed everytime a generation ends and be made anew when the next generation starts. Fortunately, the people of Aeleron are completely safe from this concept if they were to find themselves alive during the time of the reset. Their bodies would simply be erased before the reset occurs and rebirthed exactly where they left off in life when the new generation's planet is finished.

2. World Clock:

The World Clock is the very source of Aeleron. It is responsible for maintaining mandatory aspects of the planet such as it's time and matter. However, although it is responsible for the planet's very being, there is one rule that the Clock must abide by: The Clock absolutely cannot tamper with the planet in any way, shape, or form once it finishes creating it. It's purpose is solely to maintain the planet, while the laws and system are determined by the people that would live there. There are a couple of exceptions to this rule, however. A "required" exception that the Clock must make at the beginning of each generation is to create a Scion that would live on the planet. (More about this concept in the "Scion" terminology.) The other exception is that, if the planet were to receive an immense amount of damage from any cause during it's creation phase, the World Clock is allowed to deem the particular planet a "failure" and reset the creation phase entirely.

3. Guardian:

Guardians are the sole protectors of the World Clock. They stand by and guard the Clock from anything that would manage to find it. Guardians are usually chosen among the population by the Clock in teams of 3 for each generation, forming a syndicate. Those chosen are also given heavenly strength and tools upon being selected in order to effectively carry out their purpose. Despite this however, as the chances of anyone locating the clock are significantly low, Guardians are mainly be seen as extra insurance or a last line of defense for the Clock. Due to this, Guardians do not often partake in battle, and spend most of their time looking out into the world from the hidden sanctuary that the Clock resides in.

4. Scion:

Like Guardians, Scions hold the task of protecting the World Clock from it's oppressors. However, unlike the Guardians, Scions operate from outside of the Clock's vicinity, taking part in a more offensive role against the oppressors. Though Scions serve as protectors to the Clock in this way, they also serve a much deeper role that they are more renowned for: living as direct offsprings of the Clock. As explained in the World Clock section of the terminology, Clocks are required to create at least one Scion to live in a generation. This is primarily because Scions are to eventually become World Clocks themselves, by continuously growing their all-so potent Scion energy as they live and effectively taking the place of their Clock at the end of it's generation. It is due to their heritage, destiny, and great potential that Scions are considered by many to be the "demigods" of Aeleron.

5. Survivor's Guild:


Vei's design was inspired off of Sir Aaron from Pokémon, as well as Ardyn from Final Fantasy 15. His powers were inspired by Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, as well as Madara and Obito from Naruto Shippuden.

The main reason Vei despises his powers is because he believes he cannot protect anyone or anything with them, and that they are only capable of causing pain to others as well as to himself.

Despite having rather sinister abilities, Vei is somewhat against killing others unless they are a great threat to his home world. This is because he comes to learn the true impact that death can have from hearing the many backstories of his guild members', and would feel rather guilty about permanently taking someone away from their loved ones, even if they are his enemy. Though he might make threats about killing towards his provokers, he only does so as a means to inform them that he means business and will not play around in the fight.

Vei was trained by the first person to ever exist in Aeleron, who also happens to be the planet's co-developer and the first Guardian of the Clock. He did not train Vei directly though. Instead, he put Vei in a separate world and created a mentor that would teach him how to fight as well as help him undergo many trials. The training lasted for a whole year, but after the training was over, the Guardian erased Vei's memories of his mentor and had her disappear along with the dimension he trained in. He did this so that Vei would not be able to mourn her loss, as she was not meant to return to Aeleron with Vei. This was so that Vei would have unwavering focus on his tasks and not be distracted by sorrowful emotions, but Vei still struggles to try and remember every detail of his training from time to time.