Kamah Cemril



3 years, 16 days ago


Kamah Cemril



Name Kamah Cemril
Gender Cis female, she/her
Age 137
Birthday 21 Abadius
Sexuality Unknown
Race Drow
Class Cleric/unchained rogue
Deity Sarenrae
Alignment Good Neutral
System Pathfinder 1st edition

"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."


Kamah Cemril is a 137-year-old, scimitar-wielding cleric and unchained rogue who worships Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun and healing. She is a drow with a neutral good alignment.





Kamah was born on 21 Abadius 4570 AR in the Darklands below Osirion. Like most drows, Kamah came into Golarian with raging feelings of betrayal and anger ingrained into her very being. From a young age, she showed interest in learning how to move unseen and catching foes unaware. This together with her natural hatred for elves set her down a path to become a surface infiltrator.

The first seventy years or so of Kamah’s life were spent training for her mission and, when her rogue teacher announced she was ready, actually getting to the surface. She was to infiltrate the surface; staying hidden and seeking knowledge on the elves that could benefit the drows in their endless war with them.

The climb to the surface was treacherous in itself. Kamah had little to go on other than the skills she had acquired over the years. Few had gone where she was going, and even less had lived to tell the tale. From the Sekamina to the Nar-Voth, she slowly made her way up the levels of the Darklands until she finally reached the surface.

Kamah knew much about the dangers of the Darklands, but nothing could have prepared her for the insufferable heat of Osirion. She found herself stranded in a desert, which in itself was a new concept for her. The sun was hot, bright and relentless. Despite her efforts to find a settlement or any kind of shelter from the sun, she was unable to and passed out from heat exhaustion.

When Kamah came to she was getting tended to by Garundi, humans from the region, in a temple she would later learn was dedicated to Sarenrae. The followers of Sarenrae had by chance found Kamah passed out in the desert. They must have found her appearance strange and been confused about how she got so deep into the sands when she was obviously so unprepared to last more than a day. Even still, they didn’t pressure her into answering questions and came to her aid without expecting anything in return.

This was Kamah’s first time experiencing kindness. Having been welcomed with open arms, she spent a long time at the temple to learn as much as she could about the surface. As thanks for the shelter, food and water, she helped around the temple in small ways. Repaying kindness with kindness calmed her rage, but it would still take years before she had a change of heart.

Once Kamah felt she had gained enough knowledge and tools to traverse Osirion’s deserts, she left the temple behind to travel to Sothis, the capital. This time she was successful and her pursuit of information on the surface and elves could truly begin. When she wasn’t studying in any of the extensive libraries Sothis had to offer, she was robbing the most wealthy of their riches. She would always make sure to take just enough riches to get by, for her existence had to remain secret.

Over the span of twenty years, Kamah gained a good understanding of the surface with all its history, continents, cultures and people by surviving in Sothis in this way. She would even make the long journey back to the Darklands to share her findings, but every time she travelled back and forth she would make sure to give the temple of Sarenrae a visit.

The more she learnt about the surface, the more she wished to remain a part of it. Her journeys back to the Darklands happened less and less often until one day she decided to never return there. That day was when she, after much reflection, found herself at the temple of Sarenrae again and asked if she could remain there to be taught Sarenrae’s teachings.

Kamah had abandoned her mission and found a new calling. She became a cleric of Sarenrae and travelled all over Osirion to do good in her name. Kamah’s work was never done, but she couldn’t help but want to see more of the surface. As such, she spent the next thirty years going from country to country. She has crossed the Inner Sea, experienced democracy for the first time in Andoran, gotten a taste of her own medicine in the bandit-infested hinterland of Isger, experienced the hostilities between Molthune and Nirmathas, and finally found a new place to call home in Varisia.

While Kamah has met many people during her journey, none have left quite an impression on her as the half-elf Elros Vicelor. Kamah had been following a path to Veldraine, a city in Varisia, on foot when she had heard a loud snap, a yelp and after that sobbing coming from somewhere within the surrounding forest. She had found the thirteen-year-old boy on the ground with a bleeding knee next to a broken tree branch.

Despite not being the best with children, Kamah had attempted to calm the boy down and close the wound with her healing magic. This could have been the end of it, but after to have seen Kamah use magic Elros held onto her robes and refused to let go without hearing in detail about how she had managed such a feat.

Up until that point, Kamah had taken extreme measures to never reveal her face to an elf or half-elf. At that time non-elven surface-dwellers still didn’t know about the existence of drows, but elves did and went through great lengths to keep them in the Darklands. Thinking scaring the child would be her fastest way out of this, she took off her hood. To her surprise, Elros didn’t flinch and kept looking up at her all starry-eyed.

In the three years which followed Kamah stayed in Veldraine to teach Elros the ways of Sarenrae and to take care of him in the noticeable absence of his parents. She never told him about anything that happened before she became a cleric of Sarenrae, but was always happy to tell him about all the places she had been and the kind of people she had met after. When she eventually continued with her journey she left Elros with her scimitar and her copy of The Birth of Light and Truth, Sarenrae’s book.


Elros Vicelor

