★ Kiki + Lala ★



6 years, 10 months ago
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little twin stars

kiki and lala | ⚤ | little twin stars tranceling
Kiki is a little bundle of joy, The blue twin especially gets into a lot of trouble, he is quite cheeky and a pain to take care of. Although despite his behavior he tries his best to be the most fun and amazing twin to Lala, his other half. Without Lala there would be no Kiki. He enjoys being around Lala and when seperated they do not feel the same, hence why Kiki depends on Lala a lot.

Despite Lala, she is more shy and reserved, she is always taking care of her tiny brother, She prefers to be alone and yet always scared to confront anything, though willing to protect her brother for the sake of their wellbeing. The two peas in a pod are dependant on each other wherever they go and they are never seen apart, always together. She gets tired for looking afraid Kiki for a large period of time, but his company makes everything a lot more better than having nothing at all.


"we have each other"

star twins children

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Coding: Awful