Oliver Smith



6 years, 11 months ago


General Information:

Personification of: MP3 Player
Name: Oliver Smith
Nicknames: Oli
Nationality: japanese [spanish-british]
Age: 17
Birthday: July 7
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Haircolor: black
Eye colour: silvern
Sexuality: bisexual

- Videogames etc.
- Music
- Yuma
- Peace (sometimes, it really is just too noisy...)
- All kind of vehicles (Motorcycles, Cars etc.)

- cocky behaviour
- all things related to death
- rain / getting soaked
- losing in a game
- big fuss with his family


+ generally calm/quiet
+ ambitious/disciplined
+ understanding/sympathetic
+ intelligent
+ kind

- way too fast with most things he is doing
- gets easily into fights when someone loses bad words about his friends/lover
- jealous
- demands honesty from others but is not entirely sincere himsely
- tends to be brooding which influences his decisions heavily
- likes to keep his distance from others; rather asocial ( due to that, he can be quite shy sometimes, even if his appereance is self-confident )


  • heavily influenced by music ( decides most of his moods )
  • Oliver and his family are bound to technology, they can manipulate it by just touching a thing which runs by electricity (means they can also manipulate humans through electrical impulses without the persons themselves noticing it)
  • is soulbound to his headphones ( when they break, he dies.. easy as that / when he takes them off for a longer period, he soon experiences great fatigue and feels extremely stressed )
  • Family: Mother- Cessara Smith (spanish, bullfighter; oliver got his ravenblack hair from her, his general kindness and his ambition / She can't take influence on technology since the genes run on the male side of the Smith family)
    • Father - Ethan Smith ( british, Technology and company leader ; Oliver got his silvern eyes and calm personality from him (the technology gene also comes from his father/ Silvern eyes are the sign for that) )
    • Big Brother - Jonathan Smith ( overintelligent doctor; very cocky and flirty / despite oliver keeping his distance from his big brother, he cannot deny, that he loves him a lot, since he took good care of him all the time when both were younger (Oliver used to be a crybaby and Jonathan was always there to cheer him up) )
  • Oliver is panic stricken scared of death---> he does things faster than normal and races off road, because he is scared, that death catches up to him way too soon ---> fast walking, jogging, sprinting ( calm walks are only possible with his boyfriend/girlfriends, since they calms his heart and keeps his fear in chains )
  • Oliver wants to study biotechnology, but he is still too young to do so, so he moved to town and got a job as a waiter in izumis' bar --->he usually does not smile a lot, that is why he trained himself to look super friendly, he uses his ''Waiter smile'' constantly at work, leaving a friendly impression behind... if he meets strangers, he uses that smile as well, because he is not really able to act friendly with strangers
  • voice claim: ashikubi

Adopt information:

  • Price: $80.00 euros