


3 years, 1 month ago


Alone and Despair
Theme for Filth

Shinjiro Yashuda "Filth"
sex: Male
age: 32
height: 7'6"
weight: 440 pounds
role: Slave combattant of Ritz Industries
parents: Atsuko Yashuda (deceased)
Hanzo Yashuda (deceased)
likes: meat, sleeping, solitude, fresh air
dislikes: technology, Big York Ritz, anything new, baths

Before enslavement, Filth was a child named Shinjiro Yashuda who was adored by his parents. However, due to rising conflict within the country, their village was raided by conquerors of the north. The family sought refuge upon a lone cargo ship leaving the country. Eventually, the raiders persue the vessel on open seas and relentlessly attack the ship, causing it to sink.The father Hanzo fought off the raiders valiantly, only to die alone as Shinjiro and his mother Atsuko escape on a lifeboat. With the ship sunken and countless lives taken, Atsuko mourned the loss of her husband. Knowing her duties as her sons protector, she calmly sends Shinjiro to sleep with a lullaby to dull out the traumatizing events. The small boat encounters a monsterous storm and Atsuko protected her son with her life. As the morning sky cleared, the boat made landfall during the storm. Tragically, there was only one survivor; Shinjiro. Stranded, alone and frightened, he woke to his mother"s corpse hoping she would soon wake up as well. Hours passed, nothing. All of his loved ones, wiped away in a single day. Spending day after day alone at shore, Shinjiro must decide whether to cling to his mother's corpse and die or to survive in the wild.

The choice was then made: venture into the unknown. In his last known memory of humanity, he gave his mother a proper burial and honored his family as he kept their clothes with him always. His first encounter with the wild beasts would send any clueless survivor running into the ocean. Shinjiro avoided the sights of monsters for years and scavenged off of their remains, slowly becoming one of the beasts on the isle. And from childhood to adulthood, he became the apex predator within the ecosystem, no other creature on the island had the nerve to challenge his throne. Years of experience transformed him into the perfect survivor, only worrying for himself and no other need. Only a few years after Shinjiro reached full maturity has he encountered other humans. These people were hired soldiers tasked with solely to search and excavate for resources. During that mission, they encountered only human on the isle, Shinjrio. While their original intent was for research and mining, they were then tasked for the nonlethal capture of the wild man. All soldiers armed themselves to a standoff against the native, threatening and angering Shinjiro. The engagement was supposed to be a swift and successful capture, however the mercanaries made the fatal flaw of underestimating the target. This was no longer a capture mission but instead a massacre. One by one, Shinjiro mercilessly slaughtered the soldiers, forcing them to retreat. Only one soldier didn't retreat that day. Her name was Sheila Leppard, captain of the mission. She alone took on Shinjiro in combat and came out successfully. Using both technique and technology against the savage beast, her task was complete and reported to home base.

Shinjiro finally came to, feeling sore, angry and confused. All around Shinjiro were soldiers keeping him contained within a high-tech containment system resembling that of a cross. One figure stood from the rest, drawing closer towards the prisoner. This man was in charge of the whole operation and was named Big York Ritz. Despite his small stature, he is a rich and powerful man, claiming anything he wants undisputed. Echoing the entire room, Ritz exclaimed "Dis big guy'll definitely fetch me a win or two, nice goin' rookies! Throw dis guy down in with da rest of 'em!" Shinjiro is then transported down several layers within the building into a prison cell. Before being released into the cell, he was knocked down on all fours only to be branded like a farm animal. As if being imprisoned was demeaning enough, having his skin stained with the face of Big York Ritz. His pained shouting can be heard throughout the entire building. Soon after, he was implanted with a device that delivers lethal volts as well as burrowing deep within his skin, eventually piercing his heart. This device can be triggered manually by Ritz himself as well as his head secretary Mori Sakuya. At first glance, the cell seemed like it can break just by Shinjiro sneezing. However the bars of the cell vibrate so rapidly that by mearly holding onto the bars will shake the human skeleton in its entirety, causing all sorts of internal damage. Having been locked away and abused for years, Shinjiro now only responds to the name "Filth" a derogatory term said by the guards who treat him like such. For a long time, the only thing that kept Filth alive was his pure, unyielding rage. Ritz took a liking to Filth almost immediately as he boasts of raw potential as compared to the other prisoners he has in stored. Both for a profit and for entertainment, Ritz holds multple underground gladiator tournaments amongst the prisoners for high society around the globe to gamble on matches much like dogfights. Filth has reigned supreme each match, for years on end. Eventually, the years add up on Filth, killing fellow prisoners one and all with blank expressions, just a tool for the rich. The public were at first terrified by this freak but recently view him as the champion in any match he's set in. Much like his experience back on the island, Filth is reduced to meaningless bloodshed. Unable to escape or fight back, all he can do is spill innocent blood.

  • Filth lived off of the remains of beasts and vegetation that evolved millions of years with out fail, making them expontentially more healthy than modern day resources manufacture by man. Because of this, Filth's physique is superhuman and his strength/durability almost limitless.
  • While being vastly superior to ordinary humans, he is very much vulnerable to medical and eletrical tactics.
  • The name Filth is inpired by the band "Cradle of Filth".