Mr. Bellamy



3 years, 18 days ago


James Bellamy



Head researcher




5/22/2022, Wingspan


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James Bellamy the Ten of Spades, often referred to as Mr. Bellamy, is the head researcher for a rather secretive company called Clardy Science & Research. Their main laboratory lies separated from most of town, and most of what they do is kept behind closed doors... for good reason. Little of what they do is what you'd typically call ethical, and many of their neurological experiments involve living test subjects, typically analyzing the effects of their own creations on the mind.

MAF-06 was just another one of these creations led by Bellamy who sought to create a biological mind control. With the help of some biophysicists that were added in, a black liquid-like organism was made that was to remain dormant until it found its host to which it then attached itself and found the quickest way to their mind via small tubes. The researchers conducted several tests on subjects of all kinds, but to Mr. Bellamy, the results were unsatisfactory. Every subject went feral upon infection and eventually had to be put down. The organism needed a powerful mind to feed on, and he wanted to see it first-hand.

So, out of impulse one night, he took a vial from the lab. All it took was one drop before, a minute later, the organism gained control of him and he became a completely different person altogether...









  • Discovering things
  • Slightly more morbid experimentation
  • Makeup


  • Mystery
  • Conversations
  • Overly sensitive/squeamish people


Prior to becoming infected (items above referring to this), Mr. Bellamy was well-known among the other lab workers for his intelligence, reserve, and sophistication. He never accepted failure and always found a way to make an experiment work, so it was no surprise that he was eventually promoted to head researcher. Along with this, however, he also had a morbid curiousity that showed through the experiments the lab started to conduct following his new place as head. Although he wasn't rude, his compassion for others, including test subjects, was far below average. Over time, he could become stressed at not finding answers that he's looking for which would be one of the leading factors in him deciding to infect himself. It doesn't help that he tended to bottle up his emotions to keep up his sophisticated persona.

After the fact, he seemingly didn't change much at first due to the organism, in theory, being able to read a host's personality and act accordingly. As more time passed, however, his new self would show through along with his intentions. He acts more contemptuous to the lower lab workers of which he is seemingly obsessed to have freedom from to conduct his plan. What is the plan, you may ask? To spread the organism further and infect as many more people as possible.


Mr. Bellamy is a mulberry-furred poodle with a white face surrounded by a curly mane and massive ears that are slightly slitted near the bottom. His ears and arms are darker mulberry and his skin is mostly pink aside from his paw pads and nose which are both an even darker mulberry. His tail is long and hairless aside from a small tuft at the end and his claws are notably long and sharp. He also has pink, droopy eyes with long eyelashes. At 7'1 (6'3 without his ears), he is extraordinarily tall and has a thin and curvy build.

After being infected with MAF-06, the entire right side of his face around his eye is covered with a shiny black material that digs deep into his skin and his other eye has a white ring around the pupil.

While he almost always wears a monocle, his usual work outfit consists of a white collared shirt-tailcoat, a purple bowtie, and dark gray pants and shoes. He also has a specially designed, large dark grey coat cape to signify his importance that says CSR on the back. Two of the spades are on the shoulders of the coat cape, another two are on both the inside and outside of the opening of it, one is on his shirt's pocket, two are on both cuffs of the shirt, another one is on the tail of it, and finally the last two are on each pant leg. The ten is on his bowtie.


Early Life

When James first appeared in the world, he was taken into an old orphanage in town, and soon sent to school to read and write. Although it was quite noticeable he was the Ten of Spades, he wasn't exactly your average kid. Instead, he was in both ways a bit of a tomgirl, and pretty much the type to electrocute frogs just to "see what would happen". Due to this, he wasn't at all popular with the other students, some even teasing him for apparently being weird and a "nerd". He always found it hard to connect to people and never really had friends.

He tried his best not to take it all to heart, though, and when he grew older he started to slowly find his aspiration to be a scientist. Specifically, he found the brain particularly interesting and conducted several former tests at a young age using animals. Through various works in smaller jobs, he was able to get enough money for a small home before going into college to get a degree in neurology. Eventually he found work as a researcher at a somewhat unknown place called Clardy Science and Research when he was 22.

Later Years

Despite being the first real job for the young scientist, neurology had always been a huge interest for him, and he quickly excelled far above his peers. The morbid experiments that would usually frighten away any regular scientist instead fascinated him, and with his intelligence and determination, he became popular with the other researchers and workers without even having to talk much to any of them. For once in his life, people finally liked that side of him that everyone else had seen as weird, and for a while he'd never felt happier.

Soon, he was promoted all the way up to head researcher only two years before the eventual incident. It was seemingly large shoes to fill for such a new and young member, but he fit in them perfectly. At first, appeared to be a very good choice as they'd started to find more success in their experiments and complete more and more of them in shorter spans of time.

Said experiments also began to also grow more dangerous over time, however. A few of the researchers oppossed what Mr. Bellamy was making them do and decided to leave the company, and others became too scared to speak up on their worries. Meanwhile, Mr. Bellamy's mental state started to decline, but due to his reserve, nobody knew a thing about it. He began to feel like he had to keep starting more experiments, answering more questions, having more successes. Instead of the increasingly morbid ideas he was making, he attributed the leave of some researchers as instead because they must've thought he wasn't doing enough. With all these things in mind, perhaps it was only a matter of time before something like the infection of Mr. Bellamy happened, but who's to know for sure.


  • - As you might guess, Mr. Bellamy never thought to make a cure for MAF-06. He always preferred the easy way of simply disposing of the test subjects after an experiment of completed. Hey, don't worry: they're volunteers! :)
  • - Although MAF-06 can notice pain signals from the brain it has infected, it doesn't feel pain itself and can easily ignore those signals. Thus, it can easily push the body to further limits than normally possible.
  • - The reason he wears a monocle is due to his vision only being impaired in one eye. Unfortunately for him, this was also the eye he happened to keep after getting infected as MAF-06 easily ate away his other eye.
  • - His creation was inspired by the song "Mr. Bellamy" by Paul McCartney. This is also why the virus is called MAF-06, with MAF (although not canonly, of course) standing for Memory Almost Full, the album the song is from, and 06 because it's the 6th song in the album.

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