


8 years, 11 months ago


original form

Seranigal-Astor Celeste Fowlright (Celeste)

Male. ~9 years.

As the former leader of a large pack, Cest is a full-blown father-figure with a strong personality. He is capable of leading with compassion just as well as he could lead with fear. After years as the leader of this pack and focusing on the needs and values of others, he realized he had forgotten himself. He left the pack with a new leader, and went to travel by himself. I guess you could describe his personality as the 'wise old man', but that would be forgetting about his most vital piece of history - a connection with the stars. When traveling by himself, he relied heavily on the stars. Not only did they direct him like a compass, but it satisfied his need for company, and made the lonely nights endurable. He found his connection. You can see the stars shine in his eyes even in full day, as they are always with him.