WTA's Comments

Id like to adopt if possible please 😊

if this is a freeb, do you think i could claim? ( its in your freebie area but i genuinely do not know if she's a wta or a freebie excuse my everything )

I'm also entering for her if I don't get the boyo then I'll make a design for these stories and vice versa you know. And if I win neither I'll design characters (completely different) for the roles in this story because I really like it. Like the boy's WTA I'll refer to her as unnamed for now. I love the story and these characters inspired it so... yeah! If I don't win them I wanna re-use the story and if that's not okay let me know ❤︎ 

Here's my WTA backstory:

Unnamed grew up with a really loving family, and in preschool met her best friend. She spent most of her life with her best friend and gained feelings for this best friend, finding out she was bi. When she confessed at the age of 13, her best friend, already depressed and stressed from family issues, rejected her and stopped contacting Unnamed. Without support, both of them became really sad, and Unnamed's best friend killed herself. Unnamed found her death scene before everyone else (I won't go too into detail because I know it's deep stuff and I'll rewrite it better if I get her) and was traumatized. She now has trust issues and PTSD, but when her parents sent her to a therapy reconsiliation group, she felt athome and her conditions improved. A year of being there made her a much better, and then a boy joined the group. He was said to have been released from jail. This intimated everyone else, but Unnamed was curious, and set out to be his friend. When her friends all grouped up that one fateful day, he was alone, and she happily grouped with him. He was the oppisite of what she expected, and was actually a really soft sweety. On his 15th birthday, after they had been friends for a while, she brought him a plant, and he now treausures it. A little while later, she noticed him staring a little, and begn to think he might like her, and to her surprise, she might like him too. When she asked him a few days later, he admitted it shyly and they became a couple. That same year, she pulled some strings and got them both into his first school. They are now inseperatable.