Rosisin Riydarre





  • "My past was terrible, yes, but my future does not have to be."
  • "I will protect those who have no armour or shields."
  • "Everything i do, i do in rememberace of those i shouldn't have left behind."
  • "Hope is not quiet. Instead, it is a roaring boom that shakes the very earth with the rising tide that rushes to meet it. In the end, everything is as it will be; and we will celebrate the sunrise - and all those that will come after."

General Information

First name: Roisin (ro-sheen). Meaning, "little rose."
Surname: Riydarre. (Rye-dare)
Age: 34.
Date of birth: November 26th.
Species: Centaur.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Current residence: "The Sanctuary for The Lost"
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Diplomat

Traits of Voice
Accent (if any): Irish.
Language spoken: English.
Other languages known: ///
Style of speaking: Authoritive, but not unkindly. Formal.
Volume of voice: Medium. She doesn't need to be loud to have the attention of any given room.

Physical Appearence
Height: ///
Eye colour: Light blue.
Skin colour: Tanned.
Shape of face: Sharp, circular.
Distinguishing features: 
Scars: Burn marks on the left/underside of her equine half.
Build of body: Sturdy.
Hair colour: Dark red.
Hair style: Cropped near her ears.
Complexion: Tan.
Posture: Straight, alert.
Tattoos: A firey celtic knot between and under her collarbones, to prove that she doesn't fear even that which could kill her.
Piercings: a nasallang piercing with a golden chain.
Typical clothing: a scale armour shirt, a rose necklace that was made by her mother.
Is seen by others as: Rigorous, sometimes intimidating others to come near.

Likes: Roses, music played in the piano, small birds.
Dislikes: War, violence.
Education: ///
Fears: That her past will catch up to her and those she cares for.
Personal goals: To have a safe future for her, her loved ones and her kind
General attitude: Good, if nihilistic. 
Religious values: Agnostic. 
General intelligence: Very high.
General sociability: Poor.

Illnesses (if any): None.
Allergies (if any): Bees.
Sleeping habits: Well enough.
Energy level: High, but she thinks it's higher than it is.
Eating habits: Good. 
Memory: Photogenic.
Any unhealthy habits: Working herself to exaustion, untrusting.

Birth country: Ireland.
Briefly explain life story:
   Born on the wrong side of a war, Rosisin was brought up to fight and kill fellow centaurs in the name of a god that her king believed in. For many years she fought, killing without mercy and without remorse, until she was captured by the enemy. Within their camp, a blind child showed her what the true consequences of her actions were: not benevolence, but instead genocide. From there began her redemption arc that was cut short - her old army rushing the camp and killing everyone inside, but her and the child managed to escape. She knew that she would not be able to fight a war alone, but she could do something for the children like the one at her side. So, Rosisin created The Sanctuary for The Lost, hidden deep in the woods. There, she takes care of children of all species and kinds who are lost or misplaced by war. It can never wipe away the bloodstains that brought her here, but perhaps she can save a life for every one she took.

Additionally: Her and her mother were caught in a forest fire when she was a child. Her mother was trapped under a tree, and in an attempt to save her Rosisin fell upon the flames and scorched her side and underbelly. Although her mother didn't make it, Rosisin escaped, and later had the fire tattooed upon her sternum to prove that she did not and would not ever fear it. 

Parents: Her father was a general in the army, and believes firmly in their ideals. Her mother died when she was a child.
Siblings: One, estranged. She doesn't know what happened to him 
Any enemies (and why): The entirety of her old group, and her father; because she abandoned them and what they believed in.
Children: All of the children under her care.
Friends: Syria, the blind centaur from the camp, Hunter - a goat ranger from around that tries to keep them safe.
Best friend(s): ///
Important friends/relatives (explain): ///
Love interest (if there is one): None.

Peaceful or violent: A pacifist by belief now, but used to be violent.
Weapon (if applicable): Axes.
Style of fighting: Trample and use as much blunt force as possible against her enemies.

Occupation: Caretaker of The Lost. 
Current home: A huge forest, within a large cave system that has been repurposed.
Favourite types of food: Sweet and savory
Favourite types of drink: Coconut water, water
Hobbies/past times: Tell stories for the children
Guilty pleasures: ///
Pet peeves: Telling a child they have to "fight" to get what they want.
Pets: Dylan, a robin who broke his wing and cannot fly. His name means ray of hope, as she found him directly after the sanctuary had been created.
Talents: Singing, ///
Favourite colour(s): Green
Favourite type of music: The songs of birds, and pianos