AoT - Beatrix Leslie



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Beatrix Leslie

Age: 54

Height: 5ft6

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight (although has experimented)

Regiment: Scouts (but retired when she fell pregnant)

2 titan kills
6 kill assists

Wife of Bartolf, mother of Norino, aunt of Emily.

Beatrix is as fiery as her hair is red and passed her reckless spark on to Norino. She joined the scouts on some of their earlier missions outside the wall, when they were still completely in the dark about titans and it was incredibly dangerous. She has a large scar on her arm where she was grabbed by a smaller titan, but was saved.
(In my headcanon) female scouts are all on birth control to stop pregnancies and keep women in active duty. When Beatrix met Bartolf, she fell head over heals in love. Missions became frightening and she no longer wanted to risk her life, wanted to settle down with him and start a family.
She "accidentally" missed her next contraceptive injection and soon fell pregnant. It was a while before she started to show and was still going on missions outside the wall. When it became obvious, she was taken to a doctor who confirmed it. She was able to leave the scouts and settle with her child.

Beatrix sadly died when Eren started the rumbling.