


3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Darkling

Tribe: Hivewing

Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Homosexual

Birthday/Age: December 21st, 10 (dragon years)

Occupation: Hired to do oddjobs, most involve stealing

Abilities: Unique all-black scales make him blend into shadows like Nightwings

Personality: Secretive and mysterious. He's a man of few words, so not many really know about him. He's very imitating, and can come off as cold and brooding. Though.... if one were to really be close with him, they'd figure out that he can be very sweet and protective of those he cares about.

Backstory: When he hatched, his parents thought he was some sort of special gift from the gods, blessed with all black Nightwing scales. Because of this, he was paraded around, and praised by all in his hive. However, this made it difficult for him to make friends as most viewed him as a show off, even though he wanted nothing more than a normal life. Now he lives friendless and going from job to job, just trying to move through life.

Additional Info: Named after the Darkling Beetle