
3 years, 22 days ago


Iza is my secondary OC and probably my favourite.

I first modelled her after my obnoxious roommates, in my first year of University. Her design comes from the original look of Dar'Rija - my  Khajiit OC that eventually also became Stephanie after many, many redesigns over a period of five years.

Iza was kidnapped by Constantine, and raised among other slaves from a young age, on his flagship. During a raid by a rival group, she managed to  escape, and was homeless for a few months before being discovered by Roxanne, and introduced to Victoria as a potential heir, due to the espionage skills she developed in her rough childhood, and Victoria's inability to have children, due to her sexuality, age, and preoccupations. 

She also does courier work on the side. 

Iza was sent to private schooling by Victoria. Between it and Roxanne, she became more social over the years.

From the trauma though, she has a number of issues. She's an alcoholic, a smoker, and she suffers from Kleptomania. She likes to spend her free time partying, but also occasionally exploring for nice views - she has a slight interest in art. Note the tattoos - they don't look like much, but they're a form of abstract expression for her.

Despite her extroversion, and casual approach to sexuality (If I ever decide to do NSFW, Iza is one of my first choices), Iza struggles with intimacy, and only has a few true friends, almost all of which are within Victoria's organisation.

She's a 4'5 Oncilla - they're small wildcats native to Brazil. She's bisexual, with a slight preference for males.

I'm thinking of shipping her with Ozzie. I haven't nailed down the details yet but they likely met in school.

I first created her on 15/12/20, and I went on to redesign her in February 2021, alongside Stephanie. She went through a major redesign in September 2021