Pond'watcher 🌊



3 years, 1 month ago


PS: draw him without the flowers, please!

His personality is based off of Sherlock Holmes. Do with that what you will heh 👀

Edit: here's the detailed version

Pond'watcher is an undeniably talented tom. His ability to observe and recreate a scene even if there's very little evidence renders him a briliant investigator and reader of body language. He's able to understand and make sense of situations by reading the smallest of signs and making conclusions. His mind works fast and he's able to recognize patterns and analyze cats or situations.

He tends to be quite blunt — he knows that he's intelligent and that his mind works a different way from others. He likes to tease those that get irritated quickly and is amused when people find something that's so easy for him impressive, or when they can't make sense of something that he's already figured out ages ago.

Because of this he gets bored quickly and needs a lot of mental stimulation to keep him on edge. He's often bored out of his mind with nothing to do.

Despite being sort of aware of his abilities, he tends to get flustered when you compliment his intelligence and argues that there's nothing special about it.

He can be quite a piece of work — snappy, arrogant and emotionally detached and unavailable. Though if you get to know him you'll find that he's talkative and finds humor in his own failures (at times).