


3 years, 1 month ago


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Name: Loambug(Mee Maw)

Future Names: N/A

Age: 74 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Demigirl(she/her/any)

Clan: Springclan

Rank: Elder

Orientation: Queer

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: N/A

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: Hoppingpaw(grandkit)

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 RP Information

Loambug was born just before the beginnings of Springclan, being in the first litter of kittens born just before the official creation. She, alongside her brother Foamkit, were born to two kittypets, who became Springclan cats of course. The similarly named kits were very closely-knit, playing together in the fresh waters that flowed in and out of camp. Before this, they got used to a soft kittypet life, yet we're too young to learn of the proper terms by the time they moved to the clans. Their parents were incredibly laidback, rarely ever taking authority over the kits. They let the clan raise the little ones, even if they did offer their own support from time to time. This didn't pose as much of an issue to the kittens, except when they found difficulties in confiding with a clan mate that wasn't up for the job. Loamkit was especially growing desperate for parental acknowledgement, missing what she had free access to back in the hotel. She never had the courage to act out though, she thought doing so would further herself from her goal. 

She would remain diligent and dedicated for all her kithood and apprenticeship, barely forming a bond with her tutor. In fact, the relationship wasn’t pleasant at all. Branchsnap, although a strong warrior, wasn’t a fan of youthful cats. She always scolded the little shecat, whether or not she made a mistake. One warrior spied on the sessions, assuming Branchsnap was a prime example of a mentor. That warrior had just recently been informed of being a possible mentor candidate, and wanted advice for how to be a good one. Antapple, the sneaky tom, felt too embarrassed to ask to view the training, so he instead hid his scent and watched. With horror, he saw as Loampaw further withdrew herself with each scolding and belittlement. The next day, he introduced himself to Loampaw, and asked if she’d like to join him on a patrol, lying and saying Branchsnap permitted it. More patrols occurred with the two, all excluding Branchsnap, and Loampaw was able to hone her skills thanks to the tom. She even got to learn a little about herbs, as she was always curious to learn more(which Antapple encouraged and hid from Branchstep).

She was named Loambug, due to her small size and untidy fur, while Foampaw was named Foampelt. She kept ties with Antapple for many many moons, up until his expected departure with the twolegs. Before that though, she met a certain other cat along the way. Antapple’s official apprentice, now named Swoopsoot, started to connect with Loambug after immense encouragement from Antapple. They hit it off instantly, much to Antapple’s amusement, and the two quickly became mates. The two lovers couldn't be more thrilled, and their shared friend was over the moon with their courtship. Their families celebrated as well, and it wasn't long before kits came into the equation.

Loambug gave birth to two separate litters, in total four children. Luckily enough, all lived to adulthood. Loambug couldn’t be more thankful for her wonderful kits, although a lack of grandchildren in the second litter was noticed. She wondered if her legacy would continue, yet by no means pressured her kits… at first. Her first litter, named Spidershell, Emberneedle, and Twigflight, all had a mate, some even having kits. However, her final litter sustained from having either. The second litter was just one kit, named Skipstep. Skipstep was a nervous and shy individual, Loambug knew this quite well, but she believed the little one wanted a kit of her own. Skipstep could usually be observed eyeing other kits with eager love and would always help the queens tend to their young. What especially puzzled the older shecat was Skipstep’s eagerness to also go on solo border patrols, she couldn’t understand her lust for solitude.

Many moons went by after Loambug’s nagging for Skipstep to start searching for a mate when visits on border patrols turned into ones visiting their medicine cat, and eventually, Loambug herself. After all, it wasn’t a bad idea to ask one’s mother about pregnancy, right? Skipstep admitted that she was expecting kits, much to Loambug’s amusement and surprise. She prodded for who the father was, but Skipstep never once revealed the cat. Nevertheless, Loambug lovingly cared for her daughter during her time in the nursery, making sure to provide whatever she desired. She would bring back the freshest prey she could muster, and even encouraged her husband to give his best catches to her.

Unfortunately, this wouldn’t end so smoothly for the soon to-be mother. Hoppingkit was born that day, yet that was also when Loambug lost her beloved daughter. She never was the sort of cat to cry, yet as her daughter descended to Starclan, Loambug bawled uncontrollably. As a result, the older shecat requested for retirement, unable to complete her duties after the unfortunate demise. Unexpectedly, none of Loambug’s children wanted to care for their sister’s young, which shocked Loambug. As a result, she’s taken it upon herself to care for the medicine cat, of course allowing Swoopsoot to aid as well. Her beloved mate is still a senior warrior though, so Loambug is in Hoppingpaw’s life far more than Swoopsoot.

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 Appearance: Loambug is a brown-tinted Singapura mix with shaggy, medium-length fur. She has white hairs speckled about in her pelt, which she has a hard time hiding, although she knows her age has to catch up with her eventually. Her eyes are a soft green color, although they hold a yellow hue. The yellow matches the pencil behind her ear, which she’ll adorn everywhere. Tiny scars live along her pelt, from her many years as a warrior.

 Personality: Loambug was a careful and delicate cat in her youth, yet with age came her chaotic nature. Now, she’s one of the most energetic cats Springclan has ever seen! Not many get tuckered out quickly when in close proximity to this feisty feline, so she doesn't tend to reside with those on the more mellower-side. She loves Springclan territory immensely, truly believing it to be a gift from Starclan themselves(or someone else, either way it’s brilliant!). Although her fur isn’t quite as long as her fellow clanmates, the water is perfect to soothe her aching bones.

She has a tendency to give mini-lessons to those surrounding her, whether it be through myths, stories, or just flat-out teachings. She likes spreading the knowledge she’s learned throughout her lifetime, even though she considers herself quite a young elder. She has a connection to nearly everyone in Springclan, one way or another, and takes advantage of this. She is a fan of guilt-tripping those in her clan to spend time with her, whether or not they want to waste breath talking to an elderly shecat. She’s not afraid to do what needs to be done, fulfilled with immense courage.

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VC: Ms. Frizzle(you know)

AF Profile: https://artfight.net/character/2302473.loambug