


3 years, 12 days ago


Site Profile

The Stygian

Scout is a Stygian clearly born from a nightmare of hunger. She has a one track mind and seems to only ever be interested in food and her next meal. She thinks with her stomach far more than with her head and often gets herself into trouble when she bites off more than she can handle

Aside from being easily bribed with food, Scout can be easily misled with nothing but words. Incredibly gullible, Scout takes everything at face value and believes anything she hears. To her, the moon really is made of cheese. But she never takes offence to being misled. Despite the amount of times she’s been tricked, Scout remains easy going, friendly, and trusting.

The Kingdom

The Endless Ocean

Scout’s kingdom, aptly named The Endless Ocean, is nothing but a stretch of ocean that goes on as far as the eye can see. You could swim for weeks and never reach any form of land. The only thing that breaks up the never ending water is the small Sandbank at the entrance to her kingdom - the only dry land in her kingdom. 

Below the waves, beyond the sandy banks and empty reefs, lies The Abyss. A trench that carves through the bottom of her kingdom and devours all light. Scout fears the Abyss. She knows not what lays beyond the drop and dares not swim too far down.

Points of Interest:

The Sandbank

The Shallows

The Mouth of the Abyss