GV Mason



3 years, 1 month ago



Name Mason Montgomery
Age 37
Gender Male
Race Human
Job Office Worker
Traits Reclusive to most, cares deeply for those who are close to him, and initially very depressed and tired


Mason's a deadbeat guy who's just trying to catch a break, but life will never let him. He was very depressed, but through events has now slowly built up more support and friends. Unfortunately for his sanity, things just don't stop happening for his kids. One's been kidnapped, another's running from drug loards and morphs into a raccoon, and now the two he's found the most stability in have fused into one being named Leanne.
A modern day AU version of my character Mason!


Alcohol Tolerance
Dad Power



Alynne ( Roommate )
A girl Mason met at the park that wanted to draw him. They only started interacting on the regular after she found him on the side of the road, and Alynne brought him to his sense to get him to cut the alcohol and cigarettes. They eventually became roommates after Alynne ran away from home, he pays the rent and she cleans the place. Mason owes her a lot.


Liam ( Neighbor/friend )
Some kid Mason met who was being mean to Alynne, now they're buddies and coworkers. Mason likes this kid, as he reminds him a lot of himself, and he tries to help Liam through the various struggles he hits. Second kid Mason's accidentally "adopted".


Ellie ( Girl Mason took in at one point )
He first met Ellie as a girl who stole his cigarettes, then she was a raccoon (morph) that jumped in through his window, THEN he was keeping her at his place while she was laying low from her kidnappers... only to find out they weren't kidnappers, but instead drug lords who wanted their money back that Ellie's boyfriend ran off with. These two have their ups and downs, but Mason likes her, and the two of them goof around and have their heehoos. May one day they'll be on better terms and give each other honesty.


Vi (Violet) ( Friend )
Previously were acquaintances through Alynne, later started to hang out more on their own. Mason likes how chill Vi is, and that he has another adult to hang out with.


Leanne ( Neighbor/Roommate/Another child? )
Alynne and Liam SQUARSHED together into one person, Mason feels compelled to keep them under check. He doesn't fully know how to feel about this, as the two people he was closest to are now gone, but also he does genuinely enjoy being around them as themself.

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